Aww nuts. It does day EDH. And I used to have an old Big Boros deck led by Kalemne that was more or less 5 cmc creatures and Equipment artifacts. Same concept. Play things, equip the things, turn things sidesways.
Permalink Humans - Amonkhet StandardCouldnt be more Timmy. Play Hoomans, turn Hoomans sidesways. T1 Inciter into T2 Initiate into T3 Always Watching was always a good time.
You'd also definitely want to play Kitesail Freebooter, at least 3x or maybe a full 4x. Taking from an opponents hand leaves them fewer cards to discard, forcing them to sac their board state (if any) and increases the damage taken from Torment.
Why no Curiosity or Ophidian Eye?
This list was just meant to give anybody an idea or some kind of inspiration for a Merfolk tribal deck. At the time I was actually focused on building a testing a R/B Control deck that never came together and ultimately I ended up playing U/W Approach instead. That said, glad to know somebody is seeing some level of success with a deck that's not meta., this is the Brawl version of a previous Standard brew. And I also just love the interaction between Samut and the Enrage mechanic. Either shock an opponent or ping two dinos and trigger them (literally).
More dual lands? I know some are kind'a pricey but they're incredibly helpful in EDH / Commander.
This seems like a deck tailor-made for Tezzeret. You can just keep ticking up, make more and more tokens, and cast the Colossus even earlier, then emblem to make any rock a 5/5 for the rest of the game instead of just for the turn.
If you're intending to play this seriously, I would suggest cutting the Fragmentize and Appetite copies from the side and replacing them with3x Natural Obsolescence. I say this because Natural (1G) is cheaper than Appetite (2G) and it's instant speed rather than sorcery. It alsoburies the artifact to the bottom of the opponents library and in the current format, there are very few, if any, ways to tutor up the buriedcard and most of the top decks have almost no way to shuffle their libraryand hope to draw the buried card. I think Trophy Mage as a 2-of in the URGPG deck is the only card that shuffles in all of the top 5 decks. The only thing you're actually losing this way is the gain life effect from Appetite, but with 4x Deathgorge Scavenger I think that is perfectly okay.
Why no Unclaimed Territory?
Awwh well a +1 for you too, random good internet person.
I was gonna say this is literally the same list I just posted the other day LoL
Playtesting won't happen right away. I have a R/B Control list I'm more excited to build and test before this. This list was posted for anybody looking for a place to start or draw inspiration for their own Merfolk list, but it will be tested for sure if Merfolk make a "splash" in Standard. (Ha! puns ...)But when I do get around to testing, I will definitely test Spell Pierce and Negate. I don't personally like Pioneer over DRW, as DRW can be triggered repeatedly, whereas Pionner is an ETB effect on the Pioneer itself.
Thanks for the suggestions. I believe I do like the list better with these changes. In your opinions, though, should Kumena be a 1-of or 2? If 2, where do you see a cut to make the space?
Bolas is too slow. Energy decks hit hard, Red hits the ground (and your face) running, and (most) control players should know better than to let Bolas resolve. But if this is the list you're sticking with for FNM or Showdowns, I would recommend adding the U/B and B/R dual lands from Amonkhet and Ixalan. If you're going to be adding Scarab Gods to a UR Control list then you might as well pick up the dual landsto improve the mana base too.
Saw the vid on YouTube. I don't even play Modern but if I were to start it'd be with this. Looks like a ton of fun.
This is true. And, thanks to your list, I have tweaked the sideboard of my RW Humans to be much more control-oriented against decks like Zombies
Problem is you can't interact with the emblem. You can, however, end the game when you want to by sacrificing a Gideon planeswalker to Angelic Purge.But I do like that you've come up with a R/W control list in Standard.
I have a RW Humans deck of my own. The difference between our builds is that mine only plays a single Cast Out and 4 Ride Down as removal. Land bases are different also; I play Needle Spires for when I have a chance to push 4 extra damage through, and a second copy of Battlements. But I do like the removal options you've gone with. I would maybe play 1 or 2 more Make a Stand as an answer to board wipe spells, and move the Forsakes to the SB for when you go up against Marvel or other artifact-based decks. I would suggest Bloodlust Inciter over Mimic. Inciter on 1 > Initiate on 2 > Always Watching on 3, exert w/ Vigilance is absurdly quick and powerful. Marvel decks haven't even set themselves up yet and their already down to 12 life. Also, a few copies of Cast Out to deal with any planeswalkers in post-board games. Yeah, the 3W cost is hard to pay when you're trying to go as wide as possible, but it's a necessary evil when dealing with Chandra, Flamecaller in Marvel decks or any planeswalker in Vehicles decks.Just my thoughts.
Love it. Simply love it.Will be trying this soon !!
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