i love the color blue sorry it is great and i like artifacts
ok i was thinking a black blue mill or a blue white control/counter and i would add a bane fire to your all red deck i think it might help deal more damage to the player then you can have the rest of your spells focus on the creatures
hey would you be willing to help me make another sorta blue deck??
ooh would sleeps work too just wondering
thank you man i am going to check em out that is if you give me a link and yeah that would be helpful
i was wondering if someone would look at my deck and help me with it i am a new player learning to play and i am open to opinions
i am a new player and looking for some guidance on what kinda decks to make and if you have any suggestions on what i should take out or add feel free to tell. and i do not play in any tournaments it is all for fun that i play
like the deck. very nice. can you look at mine i need some help with it
dude i love your deck pretty cool but i could never buy to much money $$
i like wither but not as much as Ninjutsu.
how about you just add a couple mind controls take a couple of his creatures and fling them then you wont have to give up your creatures
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