Wub wub wub... (Standard)

by JaceTheMindsculptor on 31 May 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (8)

Artifacts (3)

Enchantments (4)

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Deck Description

NOTE: I'm not a pro. I don't have sponsors. I'm not a millionaire. I do however, love magic, and am willing to do a little buying and a little trading here and there, but I don't want to spend a fortune on a pro tour winning esper control deck. That being said, I can't afford 4 admonitions and 4 obzedats. Bear with me.

Now, for the intro to this deck.

So, I've done a lot of thinking about standard decks right now. I've come to a few realizations, some harsh, but some enlightening.

Realization 1: Esper control is probably better than bant. I don't want to get in a huge argument about this, but it's what I've decided personally. Esper has access to the three biggest control guilds - Azorius, Dimir, and Orzhov. That's a big deal. Adding black to the typical WU control lets you splash for obzedat, deathpact angel (which I will discuss in more detail later), shimian specter (also discussed later), duress, devour flesh, sorin, sin collector, and a more fluent gift of orzhova. That seems like a pretty good reason to splash a color.

Bant control has voice of resurgence. That's pretty much it. Not so good of a reason to splash a color. Thinking about it more, voice doesn't even really have much synergy in control decks. Most spells would be cast on your opponents turn, meaning that their reactions would also be on their turn. That means that--if you're doing what you're supposed to and controlling the board--voice doesn't see a lot of use.

Realization 2: Voice of Resurgence murders control. Murders it.

Or does it?

It's definitely a threat to play around. Countering a spell while voice of resurgence is on the battlefield is something you're going to have to desperately rethink. To be totally honest, I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with voice, and that's something I'm sure all control players are busy working on. I'd hate to think that voice of resurgence single-handedly knocked an entire deck out of circulation, but there's definitely a lot of work to do to make control viable. I'll talk about some ideas for how to deal with it later on.

Realization 3: ...

I don't have a realization 3. I just wanted to have a list of 3. Three is a good number, right?

Now that you know a bit about why I chose WUB control, here's some rationale for what I plan to do with it and why I chose the cards I did. Let's go from top to bottom.

Augur of Bolas - Makes enough sense. It's a control staple I wasn't about to miss out on. Gets me a render silent ready to cast on turn 3? Good deal. PT isn't bad either.

Deathpact Angel - This is where my list differs from a lot of control decks in circulation. I could run 4 obzedats and drop $70 to do so, but I really like what deathpact angel offers. Plus I'm a hipster. The big issue with all standard decks right now is trying to find cards that are finishers, can outlast supreme verdict, and need 2 answers. Deathpact Angel is all of the above. A six mana 5/5 flyer is a good deal - that much is certain. Not an incredible deal, but a good deal. He dies, I get another token. I pay the mana cost my next turn and get back my angel. Or the next turn. Or whenever I feel like it. Heck, I could do it in response to a supreme verdict if I wanted to. Not to mention, it's basically a creature cast that isn't stopped by render silent and doesn't give them an elemental through VoR. It's definitely something they won't be prepared for. Maybe not as good as Obzedat, but cheaper, useful, and quite hipster.

Obzedat - Good card. Staple. Only really want one (per hard to kill and legend rule). Nuff said.

Shimian Specter - There are some times where liking a card a lot may cloud your decision as to whether it's good or not. This is absolutely one of those times. I'm inclined to think he's an overcosted 2/2 flyer that is a removal target and will never get his ability out for something useful, but part of my hopes that he is an ever constant surgical extraction that knocks out a voice or advent every turn. That would be cool. Playtesting is the only way to find out.

Sin Collector - People think this card is just anti-control, but it's so much more than that. Control? I'll take your supreme verdict or render silent. Naya? I'll take your call of the conclave or advent. Red? I'll take your mortars. Reanimator? I'll take your unburial ri--no, never mind, that mulch is looking pretty good.

Gift of Orzhova - Would like to run more than one, but I really don't know how effective it'll be. Every control matchup I've seen takes really hard damage early game, but bounces back as soon as they get a sphinx's rev. I'm really hoping that gift would stunt that early game hit and maybe even bait removal before my big creatures hit the board. Just not sure.

Azorius Charm - Staple. Nuff said.

Devour Flesh - I hate this card. With a passion. What the hell kind of control card is this? It's like saying, "Well, you're a really cool guy, but I'm obligated to kill one of your creatures since I'm running black, but I'll let you pick. And bonus! You gain life! You get 2 life and turn your voice into a token. Isn't that a good deal for you?" Blech. I hate swords to plowshares removal. I can see why people use it, since it takes out falkenrath aristocrats, but it doesn't seem worth it in all the other matchups. Seems like a sideboard to me. Problem is, I don't know what else to run! Murder seems like a pretty bad mana base, but it might be the only choice.

Render Silent - WHY ARE MORE PEOPLE NOT PLAYING THIS CARD? They're leaving it out for wimpy cards like syncopate which SUCKS late game. Render silent is amazing. Same mana as a counterspell. That's awesome. And shuts them down the rest of their turn. You don't have to worry about baiting removal anymore, because on your turn you can augur or sphinx's rev to get another! It's SO good. Control players, notice this!

Sphinx's Revelation - I don't think this card needs to be noticed more.

Jace, Architect of Thought - Same goes here.

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad - BW planeswalker, why not? In actuality, he's REALLY good at stalling out while your big creatures do the work. 1/1 chumps with lifelink is pretty sweet. Blocks VoR and reckoner like a pro without worrying about the consequences. His -2 could be better used in other decks, but his ultimate is pretty sweet as well.

Duress - Best control one drop (except judge's familliar, arguably). I was running black, so why not? I like this deck because it uses some unconventional control. While people are building around render silent and supreme verdict, they don't usually suspect a shimian specter or deathpact angel or duress. Just like sin collector, it takes their best spell and gets a turn one peek at their hand. That's cool.

Supreme Verdict - Mainstream card is mainstream.

Land Base - I really don't like shocklands, mainly for the cost but also for the shock. Especially since control takes such a hit early on, the shock can add to that in a hurry. The only shockland I'm running is watery grave to enable duress on turn one, and I already don't like it. If the mana base gets bad, I'll add more, but I'm preferring the dual lands for the time being. Running 25 lands... hope that's enough.


Think Twice - I saw this card, ran it in flashback control for almost a year, fell in love with it, got married, had kids, then divorced it, threw all its stuff in the yard and then set its house on fire. I really hate this card now, and I don't see any efficiency in it. Drawing one card is like saying "Sorry! An actual card is buried in the deck a little further. Pay 2 mana and I'll get it for you!" Paying 2 mana to just get a different card seems stupid when, if you exclude it, you could have just drawn that card in the first place. It makes sense if you think about it rather than try to explain it...

Blood Baron of Vizkopa - It's a good card, I'm not gonna lie. But in the effort to dodge supreme verdict, it fails on all accounts. Deathpact and Obzedat are better in that regard.

So, this is my hipster esper control. I really hope you like it, and I hope it spurs some discussion. I could really use help on it! Comments and suggestions are appreciated and taken into serious consideration! Please, I need your help to make this deck a threat!

(Note: If your comment follows the structure, "Hey, this is good. Check out ___________ of mine. Here's the link! ", don't post it.)

Deck Tags

  • Dubstep
  • Control
  • Esper
  • Standard
  • Orzhov
  • Dimir
  • Azorius

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 2,934 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Wub wub wub... (Standard)

Heh, well then I wont ask you to look at anything Im running then. I would suggest Aetherling. Its pretty amazing. It is also damn near indestructible.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:44


How could I possibly forget aetherling? That's a really good option. What would you suggest I take out?

And sorry if I came off as greedy and obnoxious lol I'm fine and happy to look at others stuff, I just want some advice to reciprocate it lol. Comments that say "This is cool. Check this out" teach me nothing.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:50


Either Deathpact Angel or Obzedat. Id play 2 and ditch both angels or one angel and obzedat (probably not obzedat though). As far as my stuff, I have a few decks. Take a gander if you want. =)

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:57


Already did. Hope my comment helps! And I'll think about it... I don't know if I want to give up one of the last ounces of hipster this deck has... as stupid as that may sound lol. I'll do some playtests and figure out what needs to go. I may very well have too many bosses in this deck and some may need to go. Thanks for the comment!

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:59


consider it liked. Also as something to counter voice . . . perhaps some bounce to kill the token in the form of cyclone rift?
EDIT: just looked at your sideboard . . .

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:45


Lol I'm actually considering mainboarding cyclonic just for that reason. I was also thinking of syncopate as a good way to take out the voice. As long as you're on the play and you have a blue mana open turn 2, you can just cast it for x=1 to take out a turn 2 voice. Seems like it would work well.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:52


syncopate is the better option if you can nail them with it however you can't counter everything, well you can but. . . you won't have any friends anymore if you don't let your friends play spells. The road of the overly zealous control player is long and lonely.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 02:58


Preach it man. Control is one of my faves.

Well, second to GR Aggro, which is my current standard. I lost a lot of friends with that one too.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:00


It's funny because i made a Dimir control deck awhile ago, and one of my friends said that it was boring because all i did was counter/kill everything. Then I made the deck aggro, and the same friend complained that all my deck did was kill everyone before they could get their board going (except for boros aggro decks, those things just murder everyone with blazing speed). It was then that i realized that my friend is a whiny person, and decided to ignore his complaints from then on.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:10


Magic is full of them lol. If you ran a deck with 60 lands they'd find a way to complain.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:11


Okay, just drew some sample hands. It's official - I need shock lands :(

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:05


The looming inevitable...it truly sucks that there are cards that are 100% necessary to play any multi-color deck.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:08


i refuse to believe that, mainly because Im to poor to buy shocklands en-masse the way i would need to if i did believe that.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:14


Starting to wonder... Prophetic Prism? Same mana as a think twice and really helps with mana fixing. Whaddyall think?

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:18


i think its a pretty good budget option, however what makes think twice the powerful thing that it is is that it is an instant, and leaves the mana open blah blah blah you know all this. I think it could work but it would make it hard to play control properly.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:21


I like the combo between realmwright and crypt ghast. What about nightveil specter as an option?

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:22


Nightveil I see as being much like shimian specter in the sense that it's a fantastic library manipulation card and an immense target at the same time. It does operate a bit differently though. Instead of the control flavor that shimian has, it's got a much more aggro feel and applies a lot of early pressure. I'm not really sure which of the two is better. The nightveil has one more toughness and one less mana cost, but because of the solid BU mana I might not even be able to cast it until turn 4 anyway.

My answer is I'm not sure. I'll check both out and see how they play.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:30


Despite your disgustingly hipster essay, I agree with you on nearly every point you make. I want to hate you for all the hipster crap, but I just can't, because I know you're right about all of your card explanations. Angel is an interesting twist. I especially agree with you on Render Silent, why aren't more running it?? Sorry to say it, but in the current standard cycle, shock lands are a must have in most tri-colour decks.... It's like you have to pay taxes. You don't want to, but it's a necessary evil.... Otherwise -

Hey, this is good. Check out herp derp of mine. Here's the link!

Sorry, had to say it :P

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:27


Lol I'm glad you like the deck! Even if you do hate hipsters...

Discussion question: If you were running it, what would you change?

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:32


Swap out Devour flesh for tribute to hunger. Why should they get the life? It costs the same anyway...

I personally can't see the point of gift of orzhova, I mean, I know why you added it, I agree on why you added it, but I just don't think it fits. I'd just go another instant. Another charm or rev. Have you considered Dimir charm?

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:40


I was just looking at an old attempt at esper control of mine and I included both dimir and orzhov. I might consider adding them. Which of the two do you think is better? Orzhov is removal, but dimir is counterspell... not sure which I need more of. Probably dimir...?

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:44


Well Orzhov can save your own creatures too don't forget. But at the same time you have no 1 drops for its third ability. Dimir charm your deck can use all three.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:46


Dimir Charm it is. Thanks a bunch!

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:47


Hey... I just noticed how good of a counter dimir charm is against selesnya. 2nd Ability takes out voice of resurgence. 1st ability takes out call of the conclave. 3rd ability manascrews them. Pretty legit.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 03:50


Dimir charm is SUPER underplayed

Posted 05 June 2013 at 15:47


One card to consider is the new Dragon's Maze card Far//Away. Bounce and Sacrifice bundled up in one! Gets rid of otherwise annoying creatures pretty effectively.

Posted 31 May 2013 at 10:36


Duress, Shimian Specter and Sin Collector are awesome. What is better than card advantage? Giving the opponent card disadvantage.
BRB purchasing 4 Obzedat (jk), but seriously though he just seems like a really really fun card. I mean him plus DP Angel phasing in and out lol. (Obviously I haven't been paying attention to the last two blocks).
Shock lands are the best. Seriously. They are normal "come into play tapped' dual lands PLUS Sac lands, and you get to chose. Seriously what's two life to a first turn duress?

LOL just thought of this Obzedat + Venser

Posted 01 June 2013 at 05:20


The problem with that would be changing the legality from standard to extended.

Posted 01 June 2013 at 16:15


Conjurer's Closet would do something similar and it is currently legal in standard. Not really worth consideration IMO though.

Posted 01 June 2013 at 16:17


Yeah true dat. Just thinking of combos.

Posted 01 June 2013 at 19:45


you HATE Devour Flesh, but dont have another option, you say? I present to you Tribute to Hunger!

Card Information
Instant 2B

Card Rules
Target opponent sacrifices a creature. You gain life equal to that creature's toughness.

Flavor Text
Marella was delighted. The ball had attracted so many suitors for her daughter, including that handsome stranger. She wondered where the two were now...

instead of THEM gaining that life for that big nasty you want gone....YOU get it!

how has no one suggested this to you yet? buncha jerks, i tell ya.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 15:46


Haven't thought about it...=/

Posted 05 June 2013 at 15:48


Lol someone actually had suggested it earlier and I mainboarded it, then decided to go with far//away instead. Away has same mana cost but without the life gain and also gives me the bounce option. Thanks for the comment!

Posted 05 June 2013 at 17:01


You, good sir, are great at explaining your intentions in a deck. I read your voice in the comical sarcastic New York accent. Sweet deck gave me some ideas.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 22:28


I really appreciate the comment! :D I try to do more than post a deck with 60 cards and leave people to figure it out on their own lol. It's also fun to write about ideas :D I'm glad you liked it!

Posted 14 August 2013 at 12:56
