Since I'm now notorious for essays in my deck description, I think I'll give everyone the same here.
Last week I uploaded my idea for an esper control deck that was focused around card advantage and card disadvantage, built off of sin collectors, duress', and shimian specters. It's no doubt a good deck, and you guys did a lot to help me refine it. However, I made a comment in it that I'm beginning to start to rethink.
I made a comparison between Bant and Esper control, saying that Esper control had access to the three strongest control guilds - Azorius, Orzhov, and Dimir. Bant had access to simic and selesnya which didn't do much in regards to control. While this is a valid comparison, I forgot a very potent, very legitimate control color combination featuring perhaps the best control guild of all - Izzet.
That's right. RWU control. Also named 'MURICA, since 'murica really likes to control everything anyway.
There are a lot of really cool synergies, and this color combination gives me access to some of the best cards in the format - Boros Reckoner which is a fantastic block against aggro decks and Assemble the Legion, which has proven to be an excellent control finisher.
Also, this deck is 57 cards because I'm leaving space open for 3 Young Pyromancers (currently using 3 goblin electromancers as proxies). It's a card that will be printed in M14 that I think will synergize quite nicely with dragonshift and assemble the legion. Here's a link if you don't mind spoilers!
There's some of my rationale for why I chose what I did.
Aetherling - This card is one of the best control finishers in the format right now, and it may be a huge mistake that I left it out of my esper deck. However, it still proves to be incredibly useful here and gives them a big threat to worry about.
Augur of Bolas - Especially in this deck, this is a great card. It's very instant/sorcery oriented for a control deck (because there's a lot of burn here too) so augur can help out a lot.
Boros Reckoner - This card is what gives this deck its bite. It takes it beyond control almost into the realm of aggro. Boros Reckoner will stop an aggro deck in its tracks and even keep most midrange decks at bay. In many ways, his second ability might be considered a control ability on its own. A great stall until I can get an aetherling or assemble the legions out.
Assemble the Legion - This card is absolutely wonderful at being a finisher. The biggest issue with creature finishers is the worry it might cause if you need to use supreme verdict. Assemble the Legion can withstand a supreme verdict. If you have 10 tokens from 4 turns of muster and have to SV to clear the board, it's no worry. Next turn you'll have 5 more and then 6 more after that. In addition, there's almost nothing they can do about the massive onslaught of creatures you're creating. There are very few enchantment destroyers in standard right now, meaning that it's incredibly durable and good at doing what it does.
Azorius Charm - Control staple.
Counterflux - Same mana as a dissipate, but really good against mirror matchups.
Dragonshift - This is somewhat of a plan B. Mainly meant to synergize with assemble the legion and young pyromancer, it can help turn your army of 1/1's that might not get through for lethal into dragons that can fly over the top. Only running 2, but might just see a lot of use.
Harvest Pyre - Just there for the Reckoner win.
Render Silent - See my Esper control deck to read why this card is super good.
Sphinx's Revelation - See literally anywhere on the internet to read why this card is super good.
Turn//Burn - Just there for some added control fun.
Jace, Architect of Thought - Great card draw planeswalker. Pretty good at what he does. Also takes on aggro decks like a boss.
Ral Zarek - I've really wanted to run this guy for a while now, and I finally can. In my opinion, he's one of the best planeswalkers ever printed. His +1 at absolute least can get you an extra mana to cast aetherling. It can untap your reckoner after swinging to halt aggro decks. It can tap their land to prevent them from being able to counterspell your next creature. It can really do a lot. His -2 is a lightning bolt, and an extremely reasonably priced one as well. His ultimate is... well, it's a game-ender, especially if you have aetherling on the field. Most will probably scoop right then. Overall, he is a fantastic planeswalker.
Pillar of Flame - Finally gives control a way to deal with voice of resurgence!
Supreme Verdict - Stupid good control card. Nuff said.
I know there's a lot to take in, but I could really use everyone's help! I'm really hoping to start running this deck for tournaments, but I'm gonna need some advice to make it happen!