
1 Deck, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

I think you should get some spell cards that ca make you fly and upgrade you like: Armored Ascension

Posted 17 July 2010 at 16:47 as a comment on Flying Armada


I agree u have too many raging goblins but still keep them in there so u have something to put out very easily.

Posted 17 July 2010 at 16:43 in reply to #74157 on Magma Deck


I think this is a pretty good Deck but it can be improved with the right cards but u need to tell on the Deck description what kind of deck your going for then we can help you and give you pointers.

Posted 17 July 2010 at 03:43 as a comment on Gobbies


I honestly think u need to have less lands and get some different artifacts that help u get creatures or something cause what im seeing u get to much land and that gets in the way, so get rid of the artifacts and get more spells or creatures.

Posted 17 July 2010 at 03:32 as a comment on Kithdance
