Good and flexible deck. Maybe some Thragtusks or Kitchen Finks for life gaining?
No s tým že mu to bude chodit lepšie máš pravdu, možno by som ešte dal miesto tých screecherov dalších 2 thrullov a išiel na 3 nighthawkov kedže tam podla mna ide hlavne o ten extort... no a potom už len ide o to ci si dá poradit lebo vieš že on je tvrdohlavý :D
Jožko s tým extort/demon/artist/wave combom si to zabil :D :D
I would use it too if this deck wasn't a standard deck. Standard means that only the cards from Innistrad , Avacyn Restored, M13, RTR, Gatecrash and Dark Ascension can be used. Also, you can only deal damage to creatures with Magma Spray.