Hey man thanks for the comment on my deck! I actually saw this one a few days ago and it inspired me to make a Heartless Summoning deck.
Thanks so much for the comment. That's definitely a good point about legacy but the problem is sol ring is 2nd most important card outside of Summoning... either way I could side in krosan drover and he's pretty good so long as I have summoning out. Oh and thanks for the land suggestion!
That would certainly suck :( But I did choose my creatures to be resistant to removal. 4 of 'em are indescructable and the two kozileks let me draw four cards so I'll draw into something else probably too! Luckily though since almost all of my cards are for ramping I don't need to draw too many specific cards for it to work. Seems that Heartless Summoning is the most necessary though. Anyway thanks alot for the comment!
Pretty awesome deck dude. I was just trying to build a deck SORT of similar to this but this is pretty cool that it runs soooo quickly and is standard.
This deck looks crazy fun to play. Though I think my friends would just stop playing with me lol.
What if you draw one and they counter one. I feel like you shouldn't chance it and run 4 hypergenesis.
Yeah he'd be pretty good here. Nether traitor is amazing but I think in the B/W build that I have going on now he doesn't have a real place. And yeah for sure only casual play vs. my buddies.
Adventuring gear?
hmm... I would argue that you don't need that combo. Army of the Damned will win you the game most of the time anyway. You get 13 2/2s and then another 13 2 turns after. It's already good enough to win and you don't necessarily need warstorm surge too.
Just can't see this deck working out sorry... Just 16 lands in a deck where you need a ton of it. Plus your only ramp is forest and if you don't draw one you won't be successful.
Thanks for the thoughts but right now the mana curve is great. There's also some decent 3 cost kithkins I could throw in instead of either of those two but for now I love the fact that they're 1 drops.
Thanks for the tips! Probably could go for 20 lands... in fact had it at 20 but realized there were some cards in the deck that didn't need to be. I agree and actually looked at all of the cards you suggested but they're all a bit more than I'm willing to spend unfortunately.
Thanks for the comment! Great advice.
Wow that card is fairly epic... dunno how I missed it!
Yeah decided to sideboard in a day of judgement.
Thanks for the tips! Added them all in. And thanks Mursh for that tip should be really helpful.
Ya I saw him... but he wouldn't get the vanilla boost.
Looks pretty interesting... thanks for the comment!
Thanks so much for the comment man really helps! As for the first part I think you made a mistake, running 12 sac for damage spells and 16 take control spells. But I agree I'd have more mana than I know what to do with. Couldn't find another card that fits the theme all that well so I decided to throw in Pyroclasm in case they get a bunch of small weak creatures.
Yeah thanks, figured it out. Anyway changed it up quite a bit. Now I have the creatures in there to win me the game rather than the artifacts.
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