Okay then, Forced Fruition is a must!
How about some damage?Underworld DreamsPsychosis CrawlerOr, for more draw:Forced FruitionCheck out my "Draw for the win" deck if you have a moment. http://www.mtgvault.com/izbiz/decks/draw-for-the-win/
You, sir, fail.
Keep it standard. I think that is where the challenge is!Throw in some flicker, maybe? Lone Revenant for example. You can flicker Gatecreeper Vine for more gates. There are better flicker cards out there, I'm just going to be late for work if I research.
Have you play tested this? How does it do?When I drafted for Dragon's Maze, I was telling others that I wanted to make a Maze's End deck. They just simply laughed at me and said no. This is what I envisioned so I'm curious how it does.
Lol. That's all I have to say.
That's almost a standard card......The deck is clearly standard, this card is useless to him/her and anyone else playing a standard Simic deck such as myself.
Nice deck. I stole a few ideas for my Simic counter deck :)One card you might want to consider is increasing savagery. If you want to look at my deck for some ideas: http://www.mtgvault.com/izbiz/decks/simic-counters-standard/I splashed black in there for Corpsejack Menace. I'm just testing it out to see if its' worth it before I buy some duo-lands.
It really is cheap. I almost don't like using it.
Essence Harvest as well.
Essence Harvest
Similar to my deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/izbiz/decks/curse-on-budget-standard/Surprisingly effective, by the way.
I really like midnight recover. Bump in the night, even though it's a great card, just doesn't seem to fit the deck.
Can you tap a blocked creature before it actually blocks? For example, one creature is declared an attacker and one is declared a blocker. Can I activate Gideon's Lawkeeper before the damage is assigned, thus allowing the attacker to hit the opponent? From my understanding this works...
Have a look at my deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/izbiz/decks/draw-for-the-win/Different concept, but I think you can steal some ideas from it (much like I have from yours)Couple of cards to look into:-Psychosis Crawler-Bloodgift Demon
Blockers don't tap? Fairly new to MtG so correct me if I'm wrong. My friend who has played since day one accepts the move so I assumed it was legal.
Silent Arbiter + Gideon's Lawkeeper are deadly. Only one can black and you can tap it.
Essence Harvest is a must for exalted decks.
Essence Harvest!
Not sure if you are implying double strike with essence harvest or not... But they won't combo. A 5/5 double striker will trigger essence harvest for 5, not 10.
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