needs Congregation at Dawn,
Yea, I assumed it wouldn't, thanks for clarifying. Staggershock gets cut... Geloctrode is just annoying, I always hated it too, until I started running it.
This is awesome...
4 Act of treason, 4 act of aggression, and 3 Zealous Conscripts... he has plenty of creatures to sac.
I really liked this deck, I built it like an hour before FNM, and didn't do super great, but I did surprise the hell out of people, no one expects life gain in standard right now. This deck has quite a few flaws, mainly its too slow, and an army of 1/1 flyers is often a better defence in theory than in practise. its just to easy to get around them, if you cant get above 30 life fast, this deck doesn't work. feel free to steal the idea, let me know of any improvements your able to make.
I like this deck, I don't see a win condition, but I don't think that matters. Its like, let me look at your hand 50 times, pick out all the good stuff, counter anything you atempt to cast, bounce the ones that get through, and then sometimes mill, just for kicks. Only one question, your only running one creature, snapcaster. Hes a 2 drop, so why run Unburial Rights? thats 5 mana to return snapcaster to the battfeild, when you could do that for 3 mana with Disentomb...
heres a tip.... sets of 4, over 20 different singles... just pick you 3-4 best spells of each group (creature, instant, etc) and run full sets of the chosen cards. will make you faster, trust me.
cool concept, weenie/control lol the land average has been raised lately in standard. you see a lot of 24 and 26 land decks now a days, but if this is pulling decent with 20, don't change anything.
If I were trying to make a stompy deck then Khalni Hydra, or some eldrazi would be a good idea, but big expensive creatures isn't the point here. why attack with one 8/8 with trample, when I can attack with ten 4/4's with trample, in half the time it would take to cast the hydra. If you've got the time, click draw sample hand, play a few turns out in your head, it works without huge creatures. Archdruid isn't a bad idea, I might cut 2 Predators for him.
good call
it looks like a descent deck, but you can only have 1 play set of cards, in both THG decks. so if this was meant to be played with 2 copy's of this deck on one team, its illegal.
the plant you speak of is Grave Bramble.
a 4/4 with lifelink is awesome, but your right, 4 mana is quite a lot for a creature that might only be a 2/2.... child of night is cool, and so is neonate, but I have trouble keeping her alive. the "attack each turn" kinda sucks, she gets herself killed, before she has the chance to get big.
first off, I love the name. 2nd, I love the deck. bloodthirst + new vampire ability + Proliferate = Awesome
lol, no problem, I'm glad you like it, have fun.
Thank you for the input. I had thought about maybe working some Ichor Wellspring's in, to give me something to sack to geth, but Tezzeret's Gambit add's both proliferate, and draw (which is always good in a red deck) good call sir, I believe i will make the switch. but I like the Shrine too much to cut it. With all the red spells and proliferate going on, those counters add up quick. and I like having 10+ damage sitting there on the board, just staring at my opponent.
i love theme decks
not a bad idea, but with holy relic i get a free cast and equip. ill run both (2 & 2) and see what happens.
lol fast and annoying is the idea. thanks
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