Maybe instead of Divine Reckoning you could do Harsh Mercy since you are tribal cats. Unless you are in an area that plays more tribal decks.
The reason is you're doing more dmg to your opponent that the 2 dmg to you is irrelevant and it makes your opponent think twice about what spells they should cast.
Like the idea, but maybe change out Conqueror's Pledge for Secure the Waste. Instant speed and the potential of making more tokens than Pledge can make.
Ah I didn't see the land base and I never thought about how bad Mimic can be for top-deck....probably cause I'm still trying to wake up here lol. War-Pride I guess could run just 1 in the sideboard since its a high mana cost but its funny to see the look on your opponent when they have to deal with it.
I would take out Qasali Ambusher for Prowling Serpopard since that is a 3 mana 4/3 cat that can't be countered and your other creatures can't be countered either so that's nice and maybe swap Adaptive Automaton for Metallic Mimic, 1 mana less to have your creatures get +1/+1 seems better to me. Sideboard I would probably put in 1 or 2 Nacatl War-Pride just for other aggro or token decks
Could put in blind obedience instead
Ok, that makes sense. You could say that this Duergar doesn't want to follow the path of his race and wants to make amends. Yeah not sure how Ajani would fit with the theme...if it was Chandra you could say she's helping powering the forge they use.
Like the idea. One of the things I think with this deck you can try to include is Duergar Mine-Captain since its a dwarf for one but you tap it to crew something and then us its untap ability to boost your attacking creatures.
Doesn't seem that hard to trigger Revolt since it says when a permanent leaves the battlefield so you got Flickerwisp and Resto Angels to also trigger it.
I would swap Serra's Embrace for Angelic Destiny. Same manna cost but gives and extra +2/+2 and comes back to your hand like Rancor.
I would drop down to 2 of each for Anafenza and Melira cause they are legends and will sometimes be dead cards in your hand. With that you could put in 4 Kitchen Finks and replace the 4 Safehold Elites for Viscera Seer so you can scry through your deck for your combo pieces.
I almost feel that taking the 2 Reveillarks out for 2 Sun Titans would be better, but that's just me.
How is this deck supposed to win? If its with getting Heartless Summoning out and just infinite return artifact from your graveyard this won't work as Heartless Summoning will also kill your Disciple of the Vault