get rid of Archbond and use ATOG, if you want cheaper, moderately same idea.
Permalink this is my white artifact deck, take the artifact lands out and its completely modern. the deck runs circles around all my friends. Exiling there creatures hurts like a B.hand- plains, Quest for holy relic, Plains, memnite,memnite,Memnite,Ornithopterturn 1 play plains and tap for holy relic, play your 3 memnites and ornithopteropponets turn they play a landturn 2 draw frogmite or any 0 drop creature, play plains, play your creature, activate relic.grab argentum armor, place it on your turn 1 ornithopter. Swing and blow up there land. They are now in deep shit.This deck gets hurt by burn until you get your etched champion on the field, archbound helps for when they try to burn your creatures. Control IE unsummon sucks, but it only delays you. I love playing this deck.
take the islands out, add white for quest for the holy relic, with Argentum Armor absolutely deadly.
Take the arcbounds out, yeah they are awesome but thats 30$ down the drain minimum.
Thankyou!! Wow, never ceases to amaze me that there is literally a card for everything. Thanks again, that card will speed things up greatly.
How about just using Devoted Druid and Quillspike so much simpler. Infinite damage. Just equip rancor.
Thankyou. :)
In that case, take all the eldrazi out and add Spawnsire of Ulamog. Just put your eldrazi in your sideboard. Add ornithopters and things to get your eldrazi faster. Scarecrone helps if they kill blightsteel.
make it a blue deck.turn 1: island, Solringturn 2: Tinker= blightsteelturn 3: Swing
Missing magma sliver, ward sliver and telekinetic sliver. Coat of arms is better than the door.
I run 1 primal surge, I swing for about 2k
How do you drop genesis wave with a sliver deck?!?! lolz
My first deck was Marit lage, because i wanted to be able to stand up to the big boys. Then i realized its not fun, and i could still lose to control. So now i run elves and slivers. Much more fun.
I love a good fight, The more fun the battle the less it matters who wins.
Sounds like a rough time.
What people dont understand is that there is no perfect deck. Which is what i love about magic. There is always a deck to flat out rhape your deck. I love it, another thing i love is how you can be winning, and the tides can turn in a single turn and you lose.
Yeah, the "if i had one more turn", or "If i would have played this, and not gone easy on you".
After playing it a few times the bragging stops. lol
Its really fun. Dark Depths are 50$ now, i got mine when they where 25$ each. I am quiet pleased. Honestly I hate playing my marit lage deck. its so boring, i almost always win, the only thing that can stop me is pure control. There no fight, pretty much just insta win. So i rarely ever use it anymore. I only play it when someones acting like a jerk and showing off. Other than that its just boring.
lotus petals :) and dark rits.
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