
14 Decks, 43 Comments, 1 Reputation

I had that in this deck, but I never got to use it, because I would have won by then, or I would be dead.. Generally I have enough cards in my hand that I want to play before that. Also with anvil of bogardan, no one has a maximum handsize, so it doesn't cause them to discard.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 06:36 in reply to #117277 on Draw Dis Card


You must mean fireball. Lightning bolt is a great card but not a game winner. If you put in a win condition this is a great deck. I love Recycle too. you may want to include overrun for a second win condition.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 15:58 as a comment on Elvish Recycle


Any reasonable treefolk would do.. Unstoppable ash, Magnigoth Treefolk. That second one is particularly good in the sideboard against same colored decks.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 15:35 in reply to #116448 on Trees can smash you! Watch out!


I was mistaken. I meant Goblin striker, but it's only first strike haste.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 15:27 as a comment on Red-Black Cataclysm


Ah nevermind I read that dragon incorrectly, I somehow got it in my head you could only use your own artifacts.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 15:06 as a comment on Mono - Red Burn / Artifact Breaker v2


With 4 artifacts you wont get to use Galvanic with metalcraft. Voltaic Key will also rarely be of use since you have only 2 other artifacts. Similarly Hoard-Smelter Dragon is just a 5/5 flying. Maybe you could put more and also higher cost artifacts in. Otherwise I would replace it with this dragonmaster that levels up. With a couple of touches this will be a really cool deck.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 15:04 as a comment on Mono - Red Burn / Artifact Breaker v2


Goblin chieftain doesn't make a lot of sense to me in this deck, you don't have that many goblins and they already have haste. Maybe switch it for another landfall creature, so mesa and tarn are of more use. Could be a fun deck to play..

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:50 as a comment on KDW


Nice Deck. Maybe you should switch out 2 or even all demolishes for harmonizes. You'll be able to destroy as many lands probably, but you'll also get to artisan quicker. I would also take out one or two mountains, you'll get you mana anyway.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 13:38 as a comment on Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer...


And lightning bolt or something instead of galvanic blast, you only have 4 artifacts in the deck.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:21 as a comment on Destoryer


Hehe, I kinda like destorying, it's end of story for anything that gets destoried. I would put in 4 of roiling terrain. They probably add uptowards endgame.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:18 as a comment on Destoryer


I would take out 2 of either explore or harrow, given you have birds as well. They probably get in the way mid and late game. Maybe take out one or two (maybe even all..!) of burgeoning as well for the same reason. Looks cool though.

Give my first strike wither deck a look sometime if you will.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:08 as a comment on Trees can smash you! Watch out!


I'm wondering about Kazuul now.. I took the brighthearth's out, so it won't get any cheaper to play. I guess it doesn't really belong in a first strike wither deck, unless I've got everlasting torment and rage reflection out.. I think it's a decent defensive card.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 09:37 as a comment on First Wither


Some good suggestions there.. I think I want to keep it as much warrior/elemental as possible, so I use Brighthearth to the fullest. Would you think this deck would be helped by rite of flames? They speed up the first two/three turns, and help later on with Rise of the hobgoblins and haze of rage..

Posted 16 January 2011 at 08:08 in reply to #116366 on The Red hOrder


I just added Hateflayer, i think it can help a lot towards endgame. Also against the opponents creatures, it can work like the black destroy cards. Thanks, for commenting.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 06:39 in reply to #116322 on First Wither


Bloodchief Ascension.. Maybe even instead of Liliana's caress. Nice deck.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 05:26 as a comment on Mindthirst


Thanks, I think I prefer rite of flame over seething song, no need for both of them. Fling is definately a nice card, but my creatures aren't very high in power. It works best with high powered haste elementals you have to sac at end of turn.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 04:47 in reply to #116143 on First Wither


There's this 1/1 haste double strike goblin for two mana which would be better than Viashino since you don't have green mana, maybe you should leave it out completely. I kinda like the deck, but it seems you lack a game winner.

Take a look at my first strike wither deck sometime if you will.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 04:37 as a comment on Red-Black Cataclysm


Have you considered Garruck's Packleader to keep your hand full? Would work well with Rampaging Baloth too. Cool deck.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 04:24 as a comment on WHAT A LOAD OF BALOTH'S


Interesting ideas.. I do think you're right about the deck quickly reaching reasonable strength but not getting better past that. I think I want a different solution for that though, I like keeping it mono.. I'm starting to consider rage reflection, since it also works well with wither.

Posted 15 January 2011 at 15:56 in reply to #116113 on First Wither


I would leave out Arid Mesa and Scalding Tarn, as only Plated Geopede benefits. Also I think Spikeshot Elder is an awesome card if you put something like Claws of valakut or anything that increases power under it. By itself it seems pretty weak.

You may want to consider going more for one specific type of deck, i.e. either Spikeshot like or Geopede.

Take a look at my first strike wither deck sometime if you will.

Posted 15 January 2011 at 14:56 as a comment on Red Deck Wins


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