also if cloudstone is part of your main combo you really ought to have 1 more
this isnt a bad idea overall a very good deck...take out stonewood and put in might of old krosa its cheaper and is only 1 damage less, so youll be more likely to play it along with groundbreaker, also, uktabi drake is a great way to take a few points out of them early on, and with more pump, it could be vicious.
good point joande...but you cant get 4 extra damage for 1 mana with a burn spell, only with might of old krosa --__0
yeah ur trying to do too much... focus on the reanimator aspect. use golgari creatures with dredge theyll speed up getting your creatures into the graveyard...and as i tell everyone, MORE 4-ofs!!!!!!
if you know it is bad then dont do it!!!!! god, do us all a favor and lie to us!!!! tell me you have 4 ball lightning or whatever just dont post a deck that you know should be better
add more 4-ofs. add four linnessa zepher mage for bounce effects. add more traditional counterspells like "counterspell"
also your mana base is bad you have WAAAAAY more black than blue so add up the mana symbols, do a proportion and fix ur mana
gibbering decent is a good idea, use venarian glimmer to discard the opponants biggest threats. and as to using the rack vs. megrim i say USE BOTH!!!!! right? either one can be a win condition and if you got out one of each you would win within a few turns
not enough people play fun decks these days
im gonna have to agree with joande, ur trying to do too much with too little. if your going for the stuffy combo, take out discard for more burn and add fatal attraction from future sight,4 damage a turn for nothing. iff your playing discard, make your discards FOUR-ofs. you cant expect the deck to play consistently without playing mostly 4-ofs
thanx for the tips guys, ill probly repost a rebuilt version incorporating more creatures possibly groundbreaker and more effective burn too
this is pretty wack dude, its not even enough cards, the mother of all discard decks is the one im building right now, with say, extirpate and shimian specter so u cant play the cards u do have
wow, a girl who plays might be like one out of 5 or 6...haha this is a pretty good idea you should try to include extra copies of your more important cards and take out some of the more random removal spells...dont try to do too much. i still cant get over a girl playing magic and caring enough to post here haha
seems a little too greedy but fun ill just stick to clerics for now. thanx for the advice elation
add shimian specter from future sight it works similarly to circu and extirpate...between those 3 cards you could basically take every card out of their deck other than land
i dont really see a cohesive stratagy here...its not fast enough to call aggro...the single copy desert is downright useless
linessa, zepher mage from future sight would be a nice fit here. for a counter/return deck i like to use plasma elemental and ninjas. attack with the unblockable elemental and then sub in the ninjas to wreck their side even more. again with all the bounce cards, you could effectivly use venarian glimmer as a preemptive counterspell
wow my mistake that case it would work...its a lttle expencive at 4 mana though since i can win keeping a 2 mana opening hand normallyi like sunlance because it was cheap removal that i could play with a creature in a turn early on
that was my thought too, elation, i really like this combo amd i still feel like its too good to be true....a free combo for unlimited life...which is really in theme with clerics anyway. Any ideas on using infinite life to goin for a kill other thatn the obvious ones?
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