While that is true, by having Atraxa as my commander, I cannot have any cards in my deck with red mana symbols."YOUR DECK1 commander card (legendary creature)99 other cardsOnly one copy of any card, except basic landsAll cards must be in the color identity of the commander"https://magic.wizards.com/en/content/commander-format
Atraxa doesn't have red, so Nicol Bolas is off the table.
Appreciate the comment. I love playing 25+ planeswalkers in this deck, but then it becomes pretty uncompetitive in my experience. Which ones would you suggest I add?
Nope. You can either cast for forest OR tap for a mana of any color. Try Wild Growth instead!
Dang! Oh well. I can't think of how to make the deck any faster lol
Sweet deck.Would Kinsbaile Skirmisher's effect trigger a heroic effect? Other suggestions include Cavalry Pegasus and Launch the Fleet!
Nice little deck. White was dominant for m15 prerelease. I got trashed by Ajani a few times lol
Alright, it's now green/white and will be composed mostly of elf warriors. Rhys the Redeemed is my commander
My deck also has 129 cards and 40 cards in my "sideboard". Obviously this isn't a finished work and I haven't made any final decisions.
I was thinking Ezuri
Mmm, drawing a few more sample hands, I don't know if I like the 3 black mana I need for nightveil specter. Thoughts anyone?
Good ideas! I fidgeted with bile blight for a while, but I do think 2 belong in the side deck. And I main boarded 2 nightveils in place of 2 desecration demon. Appreciate the comment
I guess I like caryatids because your opponent simply can't get rid of them, so it's a permanent defense and mana source, unlike Brushstrider or Elvish Mystic (I don't think you meant elvish visionary). And Caryatids can run along side BTE just fine. But if you're going for max aggression, then it's different. If 18 mana works, then you're good to go!
I love decks like this. Green speed. Have you considered adding a couple Khalni Hydra or Primalcrux in case your opponent makes it to turn 5+? I'd also replace your mutagenic growth with Primal Bellow. Especially with a little ramp, that's an easy +4/+4 for 1 green. I'm also a big fan of Young Wolf and Uktabi Drake. Those are both great with rancor too. Lastly, Explore is one of my favorite green cards of all time. It goes in most green decks imo.I'm digging it man, good luck!
Not a bad start at all! This looks like a budget deck, and if it is my comments won't help much. You definitely need 4 Courser of Kruphix, at least 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, and consider adding at least 2 Witchstalkers and 2 Sylvan Caryatids. Oo, also you need at least 22 lands. 18 will have you gasping for mana a lot of the time. A good budget devotion green card is Bassara Archer. Love that card.As far as what to remove, I'd drop a couple of kalonian tuskers and brushstriders first. They're good cards, but courser of kruphix and nykthos will be far more useful.Good luck!
Right on. Too true about the Elspeth taking over games. The only time I can get a jump on Elspeth with Garruk is:t1 elvish mystic, t2 courser of kruphix, t3 sylvan caryatid and scavenging ooze, t4 garruk, then use his -3 to play Worldspine Wurm right away. Now that's some evil sh*t
Sweet deck! Really digging the splashes of red and white here. Just a few suggestions. I like Boros Charm in here instead of Mizzium Mortars. I think you'll have enough removal with your Polukranos, Smiters, Stormbreath dragons, and banishing light. Plus Boros gives you options which is always nice.Stick with 4 Mystics. It's way too good of a first turn play to run anything less than 4. A turn 3 smiter is an awesome offensive move, but a turn 3 courser is even better imo. Such a borken card.I'm also not a huge fan of Elspeth in here. Definitely great synergy with Xenagos, but I think Garruk might fit better. Could be just my preference too.Good stuff!Edit: I also like the card Destructive Revelry, maybe 2 in the sideboard.
I'm building a deck similar to this, but with a few key changes. You definitely need 4 Coursers in there, and if you want to base this deck around +1/+1 counters you need at least 3 Kalonian Hydras too. I also don't think Mana Confluence does you much good in this deck since it's only 2 colors. Other than that, not a bad little deck!
#The simple pleasures in life
Knight, you are just loving this damn deck aren't you? lol
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