Im glad to see someone else using the blade of the bloodchief+Trike+ Collar strategy
Creature Removal is always good, but also if you were to put in awakening zone i would suggest a garruk. My friend plays an eldrazi ramp and i pointed out to him that he had like 10 spawn and he just needed to garruk overrun for 30 damage =) It provides an alternate killshot
Ive played this type of deck alot and use to run moonhold, but then i realized moonhold wast exactly that beneficial. Think of it this way: You have 3 mana available, moonhold and hearthfire in hand. The deck is an aggro deck, so you have the option of A. Having out a creature to swing or B. Preventing them from having a creature and land next turn, but in a way setting yourself in the same position: You used your mana to stop them from playing things but sacrificed the ability to play something in order to do it. I run them sideboard now. And, in my opinion, intimidation bolt is just an expensive burn that hurts you later. Ide rather them swing and leave themselves open than have a field of blockers Having said that, Glory Of Warfare and Boros Swiftblade are GREAT cards to run in R/W Aggro, and one of my personal favorite cards to run is taste for mayhem: It makes your double strikers deal 4 extra damage, and then if you have no cards left (Which if the deck lays fast like it should, it wont be hard) You deal an extra 8 for ONE MANA! Think of it... For two red and a white, with no cards in hand, you can swing for ten Damage. One Final suggestion is Balefire Liege, Which makes your creatures even beefier and makes you playing cards such as lightning helix CRAZY... 1 red and 1 white, you gain 6 and deal 6 Hope that helps ^^
Well if money is no object... Vengevine would be pretty sweet to take up to 4, especially with fauna shaman. Awakening Zone should help the Spawn Keep growing in numbners, and i dont think ide mind losing 3 Spawn to play the demon. Also, im not really a huge fan of eternity vessel, you hafta get it out early or it is not very effective, and i havent seen anyone else think of this possibility but A hexmage if you try to use vessel would mean game. I know you could just NOT activate it when a hexmage is out but with leyline of anticipation... Its iffy buty i dont really like taking chances
Tarn and foothills prevent me from drawing lands, if you draw a sample hand youll be able to soee how i generally dont need lands
Thanks for the tip ^^ i think ill put 2 in there, taking out 1 sign in blood and 1 doom blade
Gah.... Maga is Brutal in this deck... 6 mana for a 6/6 and they lose 6 life?!?
Its because i basically need 3 mana to play every card in the deck, and nearly a 3rd can be played off of 1 mana
Adventuring Gear Was to use with kor duelist and its a cheaper cmc than others. Any replacement suggestions?
Yes you can, unless the ability says "Once Per Turn, you may remove a +1/+1 counter...."
Pyrohemia to ping stuffy and keep field cleared
If the point of the deck is to steal creatures ide suggest fling mainboard, so you can swing with them then fling them at the opponent. And it may not be legal for long, but slave of bolas works too
ACtually it would be a tie as soon as one of you won and/or lost with both platinum angel or persecutor out. They themselves create an infinite loop, because they keep re-checking each others abilities unless someone can stop it instantly the game becomes a draw
Nice deck.... i can definately see that it would be a bit slow. Prismatic omen, joiner adept, and maybe if you have em the zendikar fetch lands
Duress would make a good replacement for distress, 1 cheaper for nearly same effect. It shouldnt make it too much more expensive... But if your worried about creature then ostracize instead. And dark Rits would be great, theyre a staple for most black decks Maybe go -4 bone saw, -3 distress, -2 throne of bone, +3 Duress, +3 Ostracize, +3 Dark rit? Your choice though ^^
No he just is using a weird slightly less effective (IMO) way to get the creatures. rowth spasm gives him a spawn, summoners bane, and garruk minus ability give him creatures
You could also do concordant crossroads.... Then concordant, ESG,ESG ESG, Land, druid could go off turn one 8D Theres non budget and the reason for the card
I was trying to make it a bit budget.... Here ill post up a Non Budget one in a bit
Elvish Spirit Guides would be a good alternative way to go off 2nd turn, then you could go with ESG, land, druid for the winning hand
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