Thank you
But right now I watching MTG live pro tour of FATE
Just updating the deck
There so much it need. 1 Wingmate, some planewalkers maybe
YES it was
So I play Legacy more and here one of my deck. Its place like 4 or 5 time
CiaranMadgrin Frist off Like Gothy says Tarmogoyf is for 2 and I drop him out as a 4/5 5/6 most of the time Dark Confidant/Courser of Kruphix work with each other cuz I don't care if you look at my next cards and try come up with a Anw in them. I run thought my deck and all the time in the game I doing something.T1= Marsh Flats>Overgrown Tomb>Inquisition of Kozilekyou Discard a Young Pyromancer if you run it 17LPT2=Twilight Mire>Dark ConfidantT3=Thoughtseize-Dark Confidant. play Tarmogoyf with Inquisition of Kozilek on T3 3/4T4=Liliana of the Veil-Dark Confidant. play Liliana of the Veil +1 her and Forestnow Tarmogoyf in a 5/6 and you at 15 /15 all Life
LOL I love this deck
Seen you trying to go the junk Super Buddy,. And 2Twilight Mire,2 Wooded Bastion , 2Fetid Heath I can see POD deck be a nasty thing for you so run in SB Hushwing Gryff and I would Take out Ajani Steadfast and run Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
Ok I not going to troll or talk shit on deck to deck.
But the elemental-storm Will not see 80-90k Tour never I am playing to see those Tour
Siege Rhino good call thank you
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