
6 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Have tested like 10 planeswalkers in a restore balance deck. Either Sarkhan Vol or Saheeli Rai are the best walkers for a restore deck. See my restore balance build for more details.

Posted 09 December 2018 at 20:06 in reply to #596610 on Painful Balance


As promised, I am posting extended deck testing and play results for all to see. I have been playing games for many years and am a veteran deck builder. I specialise in making semi low cost decks capable of winning in modern. This is a powerful deck that is most capable of winning at your Friday Night Magic and at any modern Grand Prix. This is the version I played at Portland GP. If you can play a perfect game you might even make day two at a GP. More on that later. Might even be able to elevate near tier 1 level with more testing. Feel free to post here or contact me if you want more information.

Here are the deck test results - Tried many variants with different creatures and planeswalkers. Creatures I tried are Ammit Eternal, Loaming Shaman, Greater Gargadon, Eternal Witness, Pia and Kiran Nalaar, Restoration Angel, Goblin Dark Dweller, Thragrusk, Geist of St Traft, Spell Queller, Captain Lannery Storm, Hostage Taker, Sprouting Thrinax, and a few more.

Planeswalkers tested - There are five possible planeswalkers that might fit into the deck: Nahiri, the Harbinger, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Sarkhan Fireblood, Kiora, The Crashing Wave, Saheeli Rai, and Sarkhan Vol. I played the Saheeli Rai/ Felidar Guardian combo at Portland GP but it may not be the best planeswalker to use.
Non creature cards tested - Ionize, Jund Charm, Leyline of the Void, Ravenous Trap, Supreme Will, Thoughtcast, Read the Bones, Call of the Herd, Oketra's Last Mercy, Krogan Grip, Yahenni's Expertise, Unwind, and several more.

At home deck testing - I found it to be more consistent than the Gargadon version that has been around for many years. True, Gargadon is tough to beat if it gets suspended on turn1-2 but that does not happen enough. Plus, Gargadon can be removed with a Path to Exile. Whittle out some of the mentioned creatures as they did not really fit into scheme.

FNM testing - I play at Guardian Games here in Portland Oregon. Tested deck twice and came out 3/5 and 4/5 so I knew I was ready to compete at Portland Grand Prix.

Portland Grand Prix - The tournament is still going on as I type my results. This restore balance deck you see was able to go 5 win and 3 losses. I was able to take down Humans, Goblins, Death Shadow, Tron, and another home brew deck. The deck is capable of getting you into day two. Sadly, due to play errors on my part, I missed out on playing in day 2 of GP. I had a bad headache due to lack of sleep and made several key misplays which cost me a game. One pro player told me had I made day 2, I would have been featured on a GP video.

My friends, this deck is strong and capable of taking out an opponent in one shot. I believe with more testing this deck can be improved. Help me brew so we can move up the ladder!

Posted 09 December 2018 at 18:58 in reply to #618967 on Rogue Restorer


Will post results here.

Posted 25 October 2018 at 05:44 as a comment on Rogue Restorer
