I thought about Temur Battle rage but I don't know what it would replace since right now it's a well oiled machine. Finish fourth of 19 player last FNM and could've finish higher if I hadn't miss played once or twice.
thanks for the comment!
Switching the Hangarback for the Managorger would make more a budget deck. It's something to consider.
Thanks for the Suggestion.
I also have Abbot/Swiftspear creature based deck but I went the G/R route. have a look here if you want : http://www.mtgvault.com/irishvince/decks/gruul-me-up-std-gr/
Nice! No sure about the Monastery Mentor. From my experience they are mostly just a lightning rod and get countered/destroyed/burned before they can really affect the board. Also I'm on the fence about Thunderbreak Regent, they have a pretty high mana cost. I guess they are a good curve topper for a burn deck thought.
Hey! I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to build the same kind of deck for this standard season. I was at a lost with all those sets in the meta currently and at the Origins prerelease I figured out I loved playing aggro with a side of combat tricks. I'm a bit affraid of being mana screwed with three colors (it happened so many times when we only had Khans). I decided to go for a Green/red instead. You can find it here: http://www.mtgvault.com/irishvince/decks/gruul-me-up-std-gr/I would appreciate if you could take the time to look at it and give me some feedback on it. I know lots of people do this here, but I swear it's not just self-promotion. You really helped me see the light at the end of this standard maelstorm we are in!
I would suggest adding Impact tremors if you want to bank on the damage done when creature enter the battlefield (aka Purphoros). Anyhow, if you have a minute, check out my spin on the current standard format here: http://www.mtgvault.com/irishvince/decks/gruul-me-up-std-gr/
Updated the deck since the earlier build wasn't really working.
Can't wait to try it and tweak it so it's Tier one! Hopefully...
That's a great suggestion! Thanks I will have to include it for sure.
This deck can get super big, super fast when the draw goes your way. Not fun to be on the receiving end of a 10/14 Laguna or of a big Fabled Hero. Keep playing it, it will win you some FNM soon.
Hey not my fault if I call it and it answers my plea! :P
Sideboarded for the moment. I will play it and see if I should switch it then. Thanks!
Yep! Straight over the dome and in your face! ;)
This deck is sooo cheat! ;) Not a fun deck to lose to. Still you've got my +1!
After some testing on virtual table, I realized I needed some Haste to be faster so I added the Generator Servant, Hammerhand and Sideboarded the Hammer of Purphoros (which might end in the main deck eventually)
I'm in the process of trying it since I finally got all the cards. Thanks for the Like!
Not a bad idea. It would break the team a bit but someone was suggesting Akroan Crusader since they love the Titan's strenght. I might have to try this for a game or two.
But Purphoros is there to give that little extra push when it comes to shove.
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