The deck isn't originally my design. I think the instants were so scattered to create more. . . Malleability perhaps? Personally I'd build with a little more consistency. Since the deck can have Master of Cruelties do a fair bit of work, I'd throw in a lot more deal damage cards.
Ah awesome thanks. :)
Please comment and leave ideas. :)
Please comment and leave ideas.
Just got back from playing it. Round one lost to burn, round two won against heroic blue white, round three won against American control, round four went to time against selsnya aggro. :) I'm remarkably happy with it.
I used to have a Human Sacrifice deck very similar to this. Minus RTR and up. These types of decks are so fun!
Not yet, I just put it together yesterday and will try it out this Friday I believe. Plenty of time to play test and see which white removal cards I should add.
Thank you. :)
I like the deck. The only thing I question is the Drown in Sorrow. On top of their creatures it weakens your's too. If you end up going against red burn it makes your creatures easier to kill. But I may just be seeing this from the wrong angle. :) Great deck.
Rogue passage is a good Idea. Just not gotten around to adding it yet. :)
Yeah, it's a great underused card.
Good idea. :) Thanks
Just got done playing this deck over several times with a friend. I love it!!!
Will be adding the M15 Chord of Calling seeing as how it's under twenty dollars.
AH! Good point. :) Thanks
I would love to have this deck!
Even though it's not released yet, Kruphix.
I think Plasm Capture is definitely good in this deck. Cards like Archangel, Prophet, and Elspeth need it to allow early play for those cards. I don't know about removing Dissolve or Cancel for them permanently, but sideboard is never a bad idea. :)
The best this deck has done so far is 3-1. It only has trouble with control so far. I've beaten Mono Black with it and Green red monsters. The only type of control it has trouble with is Esper and Azorious.
Crypsis ended up being in the way and not as useful as I thought. It made room for other enchantments. I hope M15 or Journey into Nyx brings more enchantments for Bant. I want it to be more prominent in tournaments again. Reprinting Rancor would make me SO HAPPY!
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