any suggestions feel free to tell me
i know i dont have much zombies but i get alot of my zombies from cemetary reaper and with all my removal spells ill have to get him out and remove their best cards. I do realise 24 lands is a bit much. maybe 21 or 22. but thanks for the comment.
nova chaser plus double cleave = game?
great deck. i would advise you add quetus spike. (not shure if its spelled correctly) but what it does is when it deals damage to player that player loses half their life rounded up. combo that with cinder pyromancer and u got some serious damage going on for ya
i would put 4 diabolic tutors in but its a sweet deck
a great combo for esper is master of etherium and sharding sphinx
this deck is on a budget if it didnt i would definatly have them lol
wow i finaly found a good mill deck
and mephidros vampire!
is this a deck you actually have or just made up? if its just made up please add another vampire nocturnus
i like =]
i making this a type 2
oh and this deck is only 25 bucks =]
i added quietus spike hows that?
WOW great deck! the only thing i think you should add is whispersilk cloak.
21-36 of 36 items