Lol I had the same idea with Savageborn hydra and Rakdos. Swing in 6 and get a 6/6 double strike for 2 mana? Yes please.
Yea, I saw that curse card you put in. Never thought about using that with rakdos! Good job!
Lookin good. I have a Jund aggro too utilizing vexing devil, Lotleth troll and Varolz for early game silliness. If I were to make any suggestions, I'd probably switch out bump in the night and add more putrefy or searing spear as they can add for more spot removal. Otherwise looks great, wish I could play against it!
I appreciate the critique! Perhaps tragic slip rather than auger? I just hate facing indestructibles haha. And I did toy around with Vault of the Archangel at one point, but never quite used it. I'll try and test it out again. Thanks!
Shit's hot.
Honey badger don't care.
Thanks man I appreciate it :)
This deck makes me so mad I could shit.
I agree with Setherial that in this situation arcane denial is better than counter spell for the fact that once I charge pyromancer I can counter my own spells and draw a ton of cards, but I also agree with you Tim about having more red. As it stands now, my deck sits back and controls until I'm able to loop lightning bolt for the kill. I was thinking of perhaps adding Manamorphos and Elemental Appeal as alternate win condition but I'm unsure of what to trade for those cards.
My Spellslinger deck is just begging for criticisms, like the whore she is.
I would run mostly green mana ramp, throw in prismatic omen to produce all colors. I've never made a sliver deck so idk XD