
19 Decks, 48 Comments, 5 Reputation

Haha! XD Yeah. I don't remember if I ever gave you props for going to a GPT (even a second day. I'd be so tired by the first), so...yes. Props! =)

I have to ask why you're going onto MtgO? Ever since you told me about Cockatrice, I've been hooked on it, and I can't imagine going to pay money for cards when they're all free. If I were to bet, I'd say it's the community. Since there are so many more people on MtgO, I imagine there'd be a much bigger sort of community going on. Really, I have no sense of community in Cockatrice, so really anything would be a step up. But I guess the reason I stay is because I have friends (so far one, but here's to hoping for more) that create the community for me that you can't, since you only have your girlfriend.

So good luck going infinite. =) I've always pondered the idea and wondered if it would be possible, but it's cool to see that it actually works for some. You seem to have more dedication than I do (and I like to think that I have quite a bit), so it'd really make me happy to see you make a name for yourself. =P Go Yoshi!

Posted 30 July 2014 at 04:22 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


I may be, because I check Facebook regularly even if I'm not expecting anything just to see if someone tried to reach me. =P (Not usually)

I'm impressed that you were able to adapt your deck after only one match. I have this issue of having a game plan and then sticking with it even if it means suicide. Thus, the furthest I can stray from the original deck is... not much. But I'm trying to work on it. I'm trying to get better at deck brewing, since I think between that and piloting it is my bigger weakness, so I'm looking at top8 decks and recreating them on here so I can look at things such as mana curves, mana bases, and sample hands. I conclusive results, but I'm hoping to be able to find something soon.

And yeah. I figured they would bring their A game. =P I just was hoping that the price cap that most people were giving their A game was...less than $150. But what are you gonna do? =P

Posted 29 July 2014 at 19:42 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


Dude! Sorry about the long wait. Sounds like you had a much better time at the Prerelease than I did. I mean, I had a good time, but you won! So that's something. =P And I definitely didn't make it into even the top 16, so I didn't win anything. Which reminds me. You went 4-0, which means that you only had four rounds. That's surprising, as we have six rounds. As such, I have yet to stay for an entire prerelease (which is only two, but still..), due to my increased fatigue and my friends' fatigue. And speaking of getting muddled by Tier Ones, I went to a Modern Tournament yesterday. I figured that there would be a few decks like that, but that it would be more casual. Boy howdy was I wrong. I fought everything from Affinity to Delver to Merfolk, and the other new guy next to me was getting stomped by a Birthing Pod deck. It was intense. I actually won a match somehow, but that was the first one, so it was all downhill from there.

This Massdrop thing looks awesome! I don't know the finer details of it yet, but I'm very intrigued. These boxes are up for $80? :o Two days left! Gotta think of whether I want to or not! We've been talking about drafting, so maybe this would be a good way to do so. Thanks for telling me about this, man. =)

Alright! So I've sent the Facebook request. You look cooler than I expected (no offense. It's just that I don't typically hang out with the "cool" Magic kids, if there are any near my area) and your girlfriend is adorable. =) Sorry about creeping. If you see a dude with a Magnemite picture as his profile, that's me. That picture is from two years ago from when I did Pokemon Profile December. I just forgot to change it, seeing as how I don't have any recent pictures. But, knowing my mom, she's probably tagged me in tons of family pictures for the world to see. =P

Posted 28 July 2014 at 22:31 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


Haha! I'll see if the leader would be willing to add you. XD At the very least, your personality wouldn't be a hinderance to the group. There are some people that we don't know, and we're worried that they might be those kind of players that will suck the life out of the game, but I know you'd never do that. In fact, I've been trying to get them hooked on Cockatrice, so maybe you could be around for that? =)

But dude! You went to a GPT? I've never been to one. Was everyone there bringing Tier One decks? That must be intimidating. I also went to one prerelease. I got a few good things, but nothing too special. I had this really cool combo set up where my opponent had a Goblin Rabblemaster and I had a Hornet Nest and another creature. He would summon a goblin, I'd block with the Hornet Nest, and then next turn it would happen all over again, with my other creatures dealing with the leftover Goblins. I probably could've won that, but I stupidly blocked a trampler with my Hornet Nest because I forgot that only two damage would be dealt to it. That was fun. =P I also ended up getting to the end of the clock, so I got a tie. Ended up going 1-2-1.

Sugrace is a beast with Marked of Honor! Have you ever seen spellslingers? They do that exact combo in episode 9. I've only seen that episode, but I think what happens is they get someone who knows nothing about the game and they play with them. At least, that's what it was in the episode that I watched. So if you went 4-0, what kind of prizes did you win? I'm pretty jealous of you. =P

Posted 24 July 2014 at 17:34 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


Great! My friends have put together a Magic group, and we've been able to get friends of friends to join, so now we have around 14 members. Planning to all meet up on Friday, and I'm pretty excited. But how was your vacation?

Posted 23 July 2014 at 06:52 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


Hey! Sorry I haven't responded in a while. I always get nervous with my responses and put them off. =P How have you been lately? Done any other FNMs? Other new decks?

Posted 14 July 2014 at 05:17 in reply to #480038 on The Wither Forecast


I wish! I'm actually going to a convention, and it's not anywhere close to the beach. I mean it is, but I'm so wrapped up in doing actual things that I can't take time to go to the beach and relax. =( Oh! And I just downloaded Cockatrice, so we can finally play together. =D

Posted 30 June 2014 at 05:28 in reply to #475865 on The Wither Forecast


I actually don't mind manual, because it makes me feel in control of the game. =) I'll try it out!

Posted 29 June 2014 at 05:10 in reply to #474953 on The Wither Forecast


I'm in Rhode Island, which is really East Coast. It's basically the first time I've been to the Atlantic Ocean. =)

Posted 29 June 2014 at 05:10 in reply to #475865 on The Wither Forecast


Wait, I've heard of Cockatrice. Does it ask you to pay like MTGO does? I'd probably be willing to do that if it wasn't too expensive, but I hear that you have to buy individual cards on MTGO, which doesn't sound appealing. That would be awesome if it could work out.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 15:43 in reply to #474953 on The Wither Forecast


I'm sorry. T.T I'm on vacation right now and the only free time I get on the internet is when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I'm getting an iPhone soon, though, so hopefully I can chat through that (once I figure out how). Sorry about the non-responsiveness. =(

Posted 27 June 2014 at 15:42 in reply to #475865 on The Wither Forecast


How DARE you challenge me! I shall have you know that I have almost bought my cards! Do you think that your silly infections can stop the power...of the WITHER!? And that name totally isn't clever at all. >.> I'm definitely not jealous that I didn't think of that name for one of my own decks. Not even a little...... T.T

Posted 21 June 2014 at 18:31 in reply to #474953 on The Wither Forecast


I've always wanted to try commander! The only problem is that my collection of cards is severely lacking. I mostly get my cards from buying singles online for a specific deck, so they are bought for a specific synergy. I'm not sure how I could group some random-ass cards together to perform for a completely different synergy. :o

Posted 17 June 2014 at 18:42 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Haha! I've always loved Daring Thief. Glad to see you're putting him to good use. =)

Posted 17 June 2014 at 05:31 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Haha! That's awesome. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming that Hour of Need is your wincon? And what a marvelous wincon it is. =P

Posted 17 June 2014 at 00:09 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


I'm sorry, dude. =\ That sucks. I mean, you always seemed pretty competitive, but I guess it's nothing compared to actual spikes, eh? =P Don't worry. We're your LGS now. You don't need them!

Posted 16 June 2014 at 03:03 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Haha! Actually, the only reason I asked for your time zone earlier was bcause "Yeah!" didn't suffice the 10-character requirement either. =P

Posted 14 June 2014 at 20:30 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Alex.Enersen Sorry! I've been kinda busy, so I haven't had time to send you a request. My bad. =(

Posted 12 June 2014 at 15:13 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Yeah! Just to help plan things, do you know how far away we are in time? Like what time zone you're in? I'm in the Midwest of America.

Posted 07 June 2014 at 16:16 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


Good luck doing that. =P We should set up a time to play Magic on Skype. In the meantime, I'll start watching Gurren Lagann once I can finish watching the last Pro Tour coverage.

Posted 06 June 2014 at 16:49 in reply to #470346 on Raincoatl Weather


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