I've designed a similar deck myself ( http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/insta-zilla/ ) and I realized there's this one big problem: You'd need to get Ludevic, Moonmist AND Amoeboid Changeling in your hand - with a combo this specific, statistics are not gonna be on your side. Without tutoring or powerful drawing capacity you won't be able to kick the combo that often. If it isn't the main idea, then I'm sure you can do lotsa damage with those illusions but if you wanna make the combo reliable, here are some ideas that I figured out: 1 - Add Runed Stalactite in as well. This doubles the chances of you getting a Human subtype on your Ludevic. And the small +1/+1 buff on your him won't hurt either. It has a bit heavier CMC but it works as a "poor man's Amoeboid Changeling", if you have a crappy hand :P. Also, it makes the combo a bit less reliant on blue mana and thus more flexible. 2 - More tutoring cards. Chord of Calling for Ludevic / Amoeboid Changeling is very good (and also expensive) since it puts the creature to battlefield, instead of your hand. Mystical Teachings is used exclusively for Moonmist since it is as critical to this combo as Ludevic itself. Treefolk Harbinger is highly useful as well, because you can use him for fetching Amoeboid Changeling as well as Forests (or even better, Breeding Pools, if you want to invest in shock lands) - not to mention that his stats are pretty decent (0/3 for green one-drop) for early-game defence. 3 - Mana Ramping. If you get an expensive tutoring card (Chord of Calling or Mystical Teachings), you're gonna need lots of mana real fast. I've noticed Lotus Blooms are particularly good here - if you get a 1- or 2-drops on previous turns, you can tap them to Convoke the spell for 3-4 mana. Overgrown Battlement could also prove to be very useful. You can tap it for a certain amount of mana based on how many creatures w/Defender you got - and ta'dah, Ludevic's Test Subject has Defender so you've got 2G mana generator right there. And as I mentioned before, Treefolk Harbinger can be used to fetch changelings or forests based on what you need. I added a couple of Llanowar Elves as well, but they can be a bit redundant. Phyrexian Metamorphs are actually really nice touch, I didn't think of that. Maybe I'll replace my Llanowar Elves with those :D
Well it's a pretty cool card, but the cmc is way too high for an aggressive beatdown.
A bit too much spread out. Since the deck revolves around you getting additional life, you just gotta ask yourself what cards are best suited for that purpose. For example, I'd say that Prismatic Omen is an overkill way to deal with mana screw for 3-color deck - I'd ditch it and redirect some of the budget to dual lands instead - maybe even those Zendikar Lands that would synergize with their life gain ability if you can deal with them entering the battlefield tapped. And since you have no direct way to kill an opponent's creature or to make an opponent discard, Sangromancer may end up being just a flying 3/3 with useless abilities and an unacceptably high CMC. And since you're halfway there, how bout making life gain cards contribute to your offensive capabilities? I'd raise the number of Sanguine Bonds to four - and I'd maybe add a couple Felidar Sovereigns for an alternative win condition. Maybe a couple of Ajani's Pridemates would help in getting some muscle. There's no point in gaining a lot of life if you cannot use that life to beat your opponent :) Since you have tons of small creatures that cause you gain life when a creature enters the battlefield, you should take an advantage of this and put more token generators there - maybe you could raise the number of Creakwood Lieges to four or to boost the token generation with a couple of Parallel Lives. Or maybe both. Many of the green cards don't seem to blend in. Creeping Renaissance and Ranger's Guile would always be nice for damage control, but they hardly serve the primary strategy - maybe they should be in the sideboard instead? Same goes with Momentous Fall - why have a spell that can sacrifice a creature for life gain when your Doomgape does the same anyway? I don't know a lot about deck building, but these are the ideas that I came up with. Hope there was some substance in what I wrote :D
Thanks, I was thinking about the same thing myself, would just need some new buffing and Boilerworks being replaced by Sulphur Falls. Too bad they're expensive as hell. I was inspired by a deck article where the writer introduced Thrummingbird/CoSP combo. I thought it'd be nice to use those cards to boost Blighted Agents - you don't need to buff an Infect/Unblockable creature a lot to win quickly and Proliferate hastens this even further by putting additional poison counters on opponent.