Love making suicide decks? Love playing Commander? Love Mono-White?
Put out Darien, deal damage to yourself, put soldiers on the battlefield, and gain the life you just lost back (or more)!
This deck has a few "sections" in it: life gain, self-damage, solider buffs, mana ramp, and misc.
Life gain cards (ETB):
Soul sisters, angelic chorus, and suture priest
Life Gain (non-ETB):
soldier of the pantheon, aetherflux reservoir, boon reflection, righteous cause, proper burial.
tarnished citadel, grand coliseum, nomad stadium, city of brass, aetherflux reservoir (start with 101 life), jinxed idol (never give it away), dingus staff, anhk of mishra, blasting station, stuffy doll (could target yourself).
Soldier buffs: (Darien is errata'ed to be a soldier, so he gets buffed with this too)
Ballyrush banneret, captian of the watch, catapult master, daru warchief, field marshall, soltari champion, preeminent captain, odric, knight-captain eos, hero of bladehold, mobilization, coat of arms, eldrazi monument, dolmen gate.
Mana Ramp:
caged sun, extraplanar lens, thran dynamo, sol ring, pearl medallion.
There is another combo (in the sideboard) that could be included in the deck, urborg + karma. I didn't put it in my deck because I didn't feel it was necessary. But, it's fun, so you might like it better than me!