why no scrublands???
What about Silent Arbiter
Thanks for the advice!
well... no, but you can cut master of the feast for devour flesh which is pretty good against cards like sylvan cartyid.
cut doom blade... it is a dead card in the mirror plus... Black is very good right now
Why do you not have a playset of Thoughtseize???
Northern Warlord can You make a Lim-Dul Budget Edh? Pretty please with a cherry on top???
can you do a white weenie Standard Budget 5/28/2014
no... infect doesn't need to be mono colored, i play BUG infect all the time...
they aren't always a must unless you want the deck to not be competitive...
Overgrown tomb and fetch lands would suit this deck. unless you dont really want to spend money (noble hierarch works great also)
Thanks! i just wanted to add in Phenax... But you could easily take it out
mnemonic wall is there for doorkeeper and it is a nice blocker to have on the board. where as archaeomancer is a 1\2 that only returns instant and sorcery's (like mnemonic wall) that costs 1 less and doesn't have defender...
its not even standard....
no deadbridge chant?
and if your looking to win quick... you want more low cast creatures. Plague Stinger is a 1\1, 2 drop and it has flying...
well if your going to be fast might as well take out caress of phyrexia...
1-20 of 25 items