
6 Decks, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

First off, thanks for viewing and commenting!!!

Not sure what you mean about not having enough creatures, the deck is running 24 creatures.

The way I see it, you want to use the Chief Engineer, un-Ensouled Ornithopters, and un-Ensouled Revokers for the majority of your convokation, and the Springleaf Drum turns Convoke into actual mana to cast something.

Thanks again!

Posted 07 August 2014 at 04:58 in reply to #491915 on Adamantium Blue


Looking for feedback. I started out with UR, but the more I trimmed, the more the deck wanted to be mono-blue.

I know the mana base seems low, but I am also not using any ETB tapped lands.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 21:27 as a comment on Adamantium Blue


What about True-Name Nemesis?

Posted 25 July 2014 at 17:41 as a comment on Don't mind The Hive


True that. If I had red or blue and i saw you start going off, i'd try to burn out your midnight guard or bounce it. White can exile it, or any part of it.

Posted 24 July 2014 at 05:13 in reply to #486768 on Infinite Deathtouch


I agree with using Ajani's Presence. It's cheaper, and gets it done. As for the combo, it's absolutely ingenious.

I especially like that it is almost exclusively M15. The mana base will require some work come October, but I think that shouldn't be too hard to sort out.

Truth be told, if you drop the Hammers (heh) it would work in M15 Limited too.

Great job!

Posted 23 July 2014 at 23:47 as a comment on Infinite Deathtouch


Thanks for the feedback!
I just changed it a bit this afternoon. With the 8 cards in place that are the ONLY way to donate AM, it needed a way to protect the Daring Thief. Question is whether it would be better to give it a tap ability or use a twiddle enchantment/artifact vs evasion. I went with the evasion route, and I think I can hold onto some instant speed bounce if needed. We'll just have to see what happens.
Truth is, if the deck is working right, they shouldn't have the mana open to do anything about the Daring Thief or Puca's Mischief! :)

Also (as of 7/23 1300) I have posted how I think the deck should be played.

Feedback is always appreciated!

Posted 23 July 2014 at 18:54 in reply to #486401 on Modern Aggressive Donation
