Make a Sun

by iNf3ctedRa1N on 03 July 2015

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Deck Description

Modern Conflux (all 5 colours) Combo deck.

Woot for Jack Kerns !

How to Play

So basically you ramp up the board early with permanent based mana acceleration in the form of Oracle, Wood Elves, Lotus Cobra, and Simulacrum until you can drop a Warp World (or Rune-Scarred Demon to tutor for it).

Once Warp World is cast, the apocalypse begins. Warp World wants to hit either an Eternal Witness/Mnemonic Wall to return it to hand, or another Demon to search for another Warp World (Loaming Shaman can shuffle it back into the deck).

With Lotus Cobra making mana through land drops and Wood Elf/Oracle triggers, the mana generated off of a Warp World should allow you to chain Warp Worlds together indefinitely!!!

This loop is performed any number of times until Worldfire is in hand (Solemn/Oracle and Demon dig for the Worldfire) and Barren Glory is on the field under an Oblivion Ring.

The kill combo is the simple Worldfire + Barren Glory, though the setup is a bit unorthodox, and fairly consistent. It's similar to the 4 Horseman deck in that theoretically, it's possible to infinitely recur Warp World getting Eternal Witness and 8 lands each time (you'd have to be VERY unlucky for that to happen).

I hope you enjoy the flavor of the wacky world ending weirdness of this deck!

Deck Tags

  • Modern
  • Mana Ramp
  • Combo
  • Infinite Combo

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 7,675 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Make a Sun

This is Awesome

Posted 04 July 2015 at 15:43


When it works

Posted 04 July 2015 at 15:44


it's real fun !
i'm still playtesting it, so i will give you my opinion later, but its fast !

Posted 05 July 2015 at 09:51


I'm more a fan of consistent decks ... but kudos for the modern confluence deck!

Posted 05 July 2015 at 01:44


Thanx man ! :D
appreciate it ! ^^

Posted 05 July 2015 at 09:52


Hm, yeah, this is crazy :)
However, I am intrigued by it's consistency, too. Doesn't it require opponents that don't do much for many turns? Most importantly: Warp World affects them, too, right? Which is kind of ... dangerous. The first Warp World is probably especially problematic. I checked the rulings of Warp World and everything you put into play with it enters play simultaneously. If I understand that right, you will NOT get any Cobra mana ... so I don't think you'll be able to cast another Warp World right away. But if you have to pass a turn after a Warp World, you will most likely be dead before you can take your next turn since the opponents will have all kinds of crazy things in play now, too. Creatures are very powerful these days.

But even if you manage to start a Warp World loop - your opponents still get put permanents into play and they will have come-into-play-effects, too! This can really screw your day. I really think you need Stifle, Trickbind or Voidslime in this ... unfortunately such an effect is not available on permanents. What you truly need is something like Voidmage Husher (if it could counter a triggered ability) because then you could Warp World into it. But according to card search this doesn't exist.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 09:53


From the cobra you dont get mana when you warp world, you get the mana when you search for it with wood elves and the others and that trigets the cobra.
plus you have a new set of untapped lands on the battlefield.
plus you can have eldrazi tokens on the battlefield too.

As for the oponents:
Warp World puts permanents in play so instants and sorceries will go to the bottom of the libary.
This deck plays with 5sorceries and thats all. So from the 60 cards Warp World can put 55 to the battlefield.
With the constant mana flow you can cast another Warp World and you can have MORE permanents, the opponent gets less if there were non permanent cards from the previous in some way you can drain them, coz for the next they will get less permanents and so go on.

When you start to loop Warp World EVEN if the opponent have cards it doesnt matter, becaulse you set up your Barren Glory under the Oblivion Ring and BOOM.... Worldfire.
So your opponents dont have permanents, dont have lands...or anything...and we will sit on 1 life while we watch the world burn (Joker ^^). Then bam... i have ONE permanent.

Even if the opponent have something like trusk or something to get tokens..they do not have haste, so im safe till my turn when i win.

Thanx for your comment ! :D

Posted 05 July 2015 at 10:12


I understand how you end the game, however, it's the middle I am talking about. Each time you Warp World, the other players will get permanents into play, too. They will get triggered come-into-play-effects and leave-play-effects. Their lands are untapped so they have mana, too, to use activated abilities of the permanents you warp into play. Maybe that's a question of your meta but in my meta this would mean getting your lands Strip Mined/Wastelanded, your mana dorks FTK'ed and your next Warp World countered by Voidmage Prodigy, just to name a few common things. Another player might even Warp into his own combo in between - let's say Pandeburst (Pandemonium plus Saproling Burst): you are dead.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 11:04


when this starts the warping there is no more enemy have to be wery unlucky for that to happen
so becaulse they do not have turns they can only play instants, flash and activate abbilities.
yes they can mess with me with for example that Pandeburst combo, but not too many decks using this kint of combos and tricks.
btw...every deck has some weakpoints, and there are no exeptions.
i was thinking about Rest in Peace for example and that what if they pulse/beast within my Barren Glory before i can Ring it, or they destroy the ring when the worldfire is on stack
that kind of things happens, but thats the best in magic imo :P
there is no ultimate deck that can beat all teh others...if there would be any kind that would ruin the game.
i just love combo and tribal deck and even if they are not bulletproof, they show me some really cool trick and interractions :P

Posted 05 July 2015 at 12:26


They also get their CIP-and LP-effects, even if they don't get another turn! Does nobody in your meta play guys like, dunno. Diluvian Primordial? Crater Hellion? Sundering Titan? I mean, there are hundreds of those cards and if you Warp World multiple times, you WILL run into things like this, no?

See, of course no deck is perfect and all have their weaknesses, but I consider this a thing that is pretty crucial for this deck. Again, this might be down to your meta, if everybody plays cute tribal decks, you are probably save, but even they will probably have nasty surprises for you (since these days every third card has ridiculous effects).
Also, I am not pointing at weaknesses in order to put your work down, my goal is to give food for thought so you can improve the concept.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 13:59


in my meta i play agains tron, grixis control, white weenie, green devotion stomp, dirty red and mono black control mainly.
and i know that you are feeding me with creative input, so dont't worry :D
im well aware the dangers of the combo, but i chose to just enjoy the deck with all it's beauty :D
im btw a really cynic/sceptic thinker, but this deck just got me...and i always wanted to see a fun worldfire combo :P

Posted 05 July 2015 at 14:47


Yeah and I remember now that you are a fierce proponent of "all or nothing" :)

Posted 05 July 2015 at 19:03


Puschkin, you make a very good point.

Posted 06 July 2015 at 00:52


Very interesting deck. On what turn, on average, can you consistently get this combo off? Hopefully by turn 4, as most tier1 decks can kill by then. Artifact affinity, burn, slippery bogle, bloom titan, and ad nauseam decks usually kill by turn 4, or even turn 2/3 in the case of bloom titan. Still, very nice deck. +1!

Posted 05 July 2015 at 23:42


I don't think this is meant to be competitive and he describes his meta as "tron, grixis control, white weenie, green devotion stomp, dirty red and mono black control mainly"

Posted 06 July 2015 at 07:29


dirty red can kill t2.
yesterday i played some games.
1st game against UW control
my friend had an Isochron Scepter with a counter under it imprinted.
that was t6
i played an oblivion ring to the scepter, so he was forced to counter it.
then i played Warp World coz i had total of 12mana ^^
i warped 16permanents
he warped 6 (instants and sorceries go to the bottom of teh libary)
i got the Barren Glory, had an oblivion ring to hide it, i also warped 2 lotus cobra and 1 oracle and 1 wood elf and warpes 3 fetch lands
so i had a ton of mana, but coz the runescared demon i could search for worldfire
i annihaleted everything, the o-ring got exiled, so the Barren Glory was the only permanent in the battlefield.
passed, he played a mana, passed and i won. :D

the 2nd game was not so lucky.
i wanted to wait with the warp world in t5 so instead i played nest invader wood elf and a fetch
passed...and BOOM Supreme Verdict.
killed all my guys, then i was down to 8mana waited for mana for 3turns, but he beated down with Geist of Saint Traft. :(

so in avarge you can warp (and i mean loop warp) the world effectively around t5/t6 with this deck.
but i'm still testing it and i will try to keep you informed :)

Posted 06 July 2015 at 09:44


Thanks for the reply. T5/T6 clock isn't too bad. But yeah. I forgot about board wipes. Damn Supreme Verdict. "can't be countered" bs....

Posted 06 July 2015 at 16:15


that was my mistake, coz he just got the mana for the verdict, and i could warp at my turn, but i wasn't sure that i can loop it, so i wanted to play it in the safe way... ><
you are welcome btw ! :D
i try to answer all the comments :P
if you have any questions feel free to ask ! ^^

Posted 06 July 2015 at 16:40


ho many warp worl it takes on averege to get barren gloruy under oblivion ring? if it is too many of them, enemy will be able to win with cards like siege rhino, gg op card and junk in meta, op nerf pls
- may god bless ur'e souls

Posted 08 July 2015 at 12:08


He doesn't care for that, either he wins or he loses to random effects when he starts warping. I said the same and suggested to run something like Stifle so he can prevent any devastating CIP-effect but OP prefers risky and flashy games over boring but safe ones :)

Posted 08 July 2015 at 13:40


heavily depends how many permanents you have when you first warp.
and Puschkin is right.
first of all this is a combo thack that focuses on itself and the combo
so all teh cards in it are important to the combo and provide some survability
but that deck is focusing on the combo so --- survability < combo pieces
the longest it took to get the combo together was 4 warps btw, coz i got really unlucky and i didnt had barren glory and neither worldfire in place at the first 3warps.
at the 4th warp my opponent warped only 4permanents while i warped ~32.

basically. when you start to warp, if your opponent have a lots of instants and sorceries in their deck, they will have less and less permanents, coz Warp World only works on permanents (land, artifact, enchantment, creature, but no planeswalkers, instants, and sorceries.

Yesterday i played against my friend stompy green...he beat me up with goddraws
he played
t1 mana llanowar
t2 mana groundbreaker (6/1 trample haste GGG)
t3 mana 2x Strangleroot Geist (2/1 undying GG)
t4 mana llanowar Groundbreaker ->>> attack groundbreaker gets Aspect of Hydra
attacking llanowar 1/1 G
Strangleroot Geist 3/2 GG
Groundbreaker 6/1 trample GGG + 8/8 from aspect
i had a t4 rune-scared, but that was worthless coz that was way too much agression.

game 2 wasclose, but the groundbreaker aspect combo still got me at t5...
i had the warp in hand and had the mana too, but i needed my untap phase that i was denied coz the supreme damage

Posted 08 July 2015 at 15:47


Planswalkers are permanents, just they weren't around when warp world was made.

Posted 16 July 2015 at 02:51


10/1/2009: Taking it slowly, here's what happens when Warp World resolves:
1) Each player counts the number of permanents he or she owns.
2) Each player shuffles those permanents into his or her library.
3) Each player reveals cards from the top of his or her library equal to the number that player counted.
4) Each player puts all artifact, land, and creature cards revealed this way onto the battlefield. All of these cards enter the battlefield at the same time.
5) Each player puts all enchantment cards revealed this way onto the battlefield. An Aura put onto the battlefield this way can enchant an artifact, land, or creature that was already put onto the battlefield, but can't enchant an enchantment that's being put onto the battlefield at the same time as it. If multiple players have Auras to put onto the battlefield, the player whose turn it is announces what his or her Auras will enchant, then each other player in turn order does the same, then all enchantments (both Auras and non-Auras) enter the battlefield at the same time.
6) Each player puts all of his or her other revealed cards (instants, sorceries, planeswalkers, and Auras that can't enchant anything) on the bottom of his or her library in any order.

so planeswalkers counts as permanents but Warp World does not put them into the battlefield.

Posted 16 July 2015 at 07:55


this is the most crazy fun combo deck i have ever seen :)))

Posted 11 July 2015 at 15:29


check out covex's reality grind deck. I am building it now >:)

Posted 16 July 2015 at 02:54


go check out my new deck "Gruul Terminator"

Posted 11 July 2015 at 17:44


You could replace Barren Glory with Near-Death Experience, since its CMC is lower (5 vs 6) and still allows you to win after a Worldfire. The only drawback I see is that it needs 3 white mana (vs Barren Glory's 2), but I think it's worth trying

Posted 16 July 2015 at 13:35


it's true, but i wanted a Baren Glory + Worldfire deck,
and you dont actually cast anything but warp worlds tu win, and till you can cast warp world you ramp your mana and survive

Posted 17 July 2015 at 00:32


heck, you can even win with a mogg fanatic under the ring, have you tried murderous redcap?it seems like a solid card to get rid of little dudes your opponent may get btween waprs soy you can lower their ammount of permanents to shuffle back, then win with it the same way you would do with the world fire

Posted 17 July 2015 at 17:03


Hey, I like this deck! 1+.....could you check mine? It's a variant on storm with a jeskai shell. I think there is something missing.>critque welcome

Posted 21 July 2015 at 13:46


this is more legacy than any other format

Posted 29 July 2015 at 23:03


why would it be Legacy ?

Posted 30 July 2015 at 09:21


no clue mana ramp a worldfire is realy it

Posted 31 July 2015 at 17:24


Like the idea, sort of reminds me of Pyxis of Pandemonium, but faster and more effective, it would be interesting to add a few death bringer reagents to the deck, would help if your opponent got a good amount of creatures from warp world and you couldn't replay it instantly.

Posted 09 August 2015 at 23:45
