
16 Decks, 22 Comments, 0 Reputation

I cant stand noobish comments like the one above. "Easily controlled"? lol Every deck is easily controlled. Why bother commenting on someone else's deck if all youre going to do is advertise your own. Constructive critizism is helpful, random negative verbiage is not.

Posted 27 January 2008 at 12:20 as a comment on Jace and Lilianas Coven


Akroma would be nice, Serra Avenger, Krosan Cloudscraper, Reya Dawnbringer would be cool too for some reanimating. Coiling Oracle would combo well with Reya if you had something to sac it to. Lure of Prey is too conditional, I would suggest you take it out an add in some mana accel cards like Wild Growth, Vernal Bloom, or Over Growth. Fertile Ground would be nice too so you could smooth out your mana consistency. Unsummon isnt as good as Equilibrium in my opinion.

Posted 27 January 2008 at 12:10 as a comment on Elvish Piper Leviathan


If you did use Ivory Tower, Phyrexian Arena would help card draw. Gravestorm would too but its BBB casting cost may be a tad difficult. Buried Alive doesnt seem to help you too well unless youre using Liliana's 3rd. Slide it out for another Worldly would be cheaper. Jace Beleren would help you with card draw as well.

Posted 27 January 2008 at 01:12 as a comment on BW Solution


I see that you have in Sensei's so my next thought is Counterbalance to help control things. With Lilinana I dont see the need for Debtor's Knell, its huge casting cost isnt worth it. Since you have alot of artis youre counting on, Fabricate comes to mind. Rites of Flourishing is nice, but it helps your opponents. Exploration, Fastbond, and Manabond(with Leng) are better. Ivory Tower I mentioned above would be nice with Lost Dreams. With Haunting in there, Glimpse the Unthinkable is nice.

Posted 27 January 2008 at 01:01 as a comment on BW Solution


Psychic Vortex and Library of Leng are worth mentioning. Ivory Tower with all those cards in hand would be a nice lifegainer. Bringer of the Blue is also an option for card draw, and you dont need to worry about his casting cost with the 1 of each. Getting stuff back, Feldon's Cane, Eternal Witness, and Reclaim. Reclaim is nice on Scepter. Trinisphere would help against both Burn and counterspell deck, even better with a Grid out. Bringer of the Black is another option for tutoring.

Posted 27 January 2008 at 00:55 as a comment on BW Solution


Anvil of Bogarden and Geth's Grimoire would be an interesting combo here

Posted 18 January 2008 at 11:21 as a comment on


Mana Leak is a nice counterspell to consider. If they tap out use Mana Leak an save your Cancel or Counterspell for when they dont. Forbid is a buyback counter. Rewind is cool, but a little on the high side as far as casting cost. With them high casting cost creatures you have, Dispersal Shield comes to mind.

Posted 18 January 2008 at 11:14 as a comment on Wind Counter


I agree with Setherial, Akroma is a very good finisher in a mono white deck. Also Exalted Angel is good for mid-game, and if you can afford it Serra Avatar would be a beast with a Warhammer attached.

Posted 18 January 2008 at 11:08 as a comment on


Im guessing you made an honest mistake and forgot the Shield lol Its cool, I do it all the time. I would slim the deck down a shade though. WIth 20 lands and 66 cards, you will run into more mulligans or mana screw. Either way itll be aggravating. Trim 6 cards and you should be good. 20 lands in a 60 card deck, statistically, gives you a land every 3rd draw.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 23:38 as a comment on


Spirit Link is a good idea, but I believe Loxodon Warhammer would be better. You dont have to worry about it goin to the GY when your creature dies, gives Trample, and +2+0. Noble Purpose may serve you better as well, but is a little steeper in cost. Soul Warden and Auriok Champion may also deserve consideration because they are cheap, give you life and synergize well with Feather. Excellent foundation, with a little bit of tweakin, it is you who will be eating people alive!

Posted 17 January 2008 at 23:33 as a comment on


To the person above: Before you go spouting off to someone about "eating them alive every time you play them" instead why dont you offer some more constructive advice. Not everyone is the best at deck building that is why sites like this exist to get ideas from those who are, not mindless wonton disregard for basic human respect just as you did. My suggestions would also be more land as in my opinion youll prolly want to run 20 lands in a 60 card deck at least.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 23:28 as a comment on


This deck allows you to do what youd normally do on your turn on everyone elses turn. Draw with Survivor, play land with Sakura, and play non lands with Orrery. Alot of things in here have Cumulative Upkeeps so its best to skip your own turn til you are ready to finish off your opponent(s). Musician and Rising lock your opponents creatures and lands respectively. Seedborn allows you to untap everything you have on each of their turns.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 14:42 as a comment on We Interupt This Program


I applaud you for being creative and the base idea of your deck is strong. As others have said, it appears you are tryin to account for a great many possibilities. When deckbuilding, try an build a deck that is supreme in its particular strategy instead of a Jack of all Trades. Use the Magemarks and Familiars to their fullest effect, and I think Concerted Effort is a great idea! Focus on creatures that will abuse Effort. You may even want to pick a color or two and just splash the others.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 12:55 as a comment on Scape Familiar Deck


Very interesting deck, I like the theme of it. The major thing I see as a concern would be a 60 card deck with only 15 land. In my opinion a 60 card deck should have 20 land, at least. With 20, youll get, statistically, a land every three card draws. You are also running 3 colors, and mana consistancy will be a problem with no multicolor lands, even with the Signets. The Orrery and Rain of Gore dont really seem to be needed here.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 12:39 as a comment on LDH Deck


Necropotence/Ivory Tower/Library of Leng gets you your deck in hand with insane life. Use Anvil, Megrim, and Underworld Dreams to do damage. Panoptic Mirror a Pox and youll be cutting life totals and resources down by a third each turn. Youll be gaining 2/3 of life back.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:41 as a comment on Jack in the Pox


Use Fastbond to play any amount of lands each turn. Play Zuran Orb so you can sac a land to gain 2 life. Use Crucible of Worlds to play them from your graveyard taking 1 damage out of the 2 you just gained. You get infinite life and if you tap the land before you sacc it, you get inifinite mana. Play Seed the Land to get infinite Snake tokens, and use some of the mana to draw cards by Skullclamping the tokens. Grave Pact clears the opponents creatures when they die. Use the others as early blox.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:37 as a comment on Harvester of Sorrow


On the 2nd turn I can have a 24/24 Trample Sutured Ghoul if I want. Turn 1: Swamp, Dark Ritual, Buried Alive (Choose 2xPhyrexian Dreadnought and 1xSutured Ghoul) Turn 2: Swamp, Exhume (Choose the Sutured, remove the Dreadnoughts). It comes up quite often and usually the other 3 guys I play with groan and grunt cause not alot of the decks they play with have the ability to deal with that so early.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:32 as a comment on All That Remains


Actually I dont, thats this database thing. It counts the Arti Lands as Artis and as Land so it puts them in twice. Its only 4 of each in my decklist.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:26 as a comment on Pentavus Fury


Yeah I wish I had some, I just use cards I actually have.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:25 as a comment on Urzas Altar


Sacc all the Enchantments to what? If youre speaking of Endless Wurm I just put Rancor on him and just keep saccing it out and it gets returned to my hand, and I play it again. This is by far my fastest deck, because of good card draw and Exploration. I can have a 30/30+ Trample out on the third turn.

Posted 16 January 2008 at 09:24 as a comment on Elronds Harem


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