sounds good like. you might want to consider getting a fog card its really usefull against slivers. just found out now. yes i know mine didnt make sence its off fat (fucking) pies. com im watching a magic the gathering comeeral now on youtube its great (not) Im holding but it takes me ages to get your messages just send like three at once then that will be faster.
sounds good like. you might want to consider gettingfog card its really usefull against slivers. just found out now. yes i know mine didnt make sence its off fat (fucking) pies. com im watching a magic the gathering comeeral now on youtube its great (not) Im holding but it takes me ages to get your messages just send like three at once then that will be faster.
Hang on ima try and make me deck on this here deck bulder thingy wingy, please hold.....
Cat got your tounge? it takes forever to get ur messages.
It only costs a forest and "1"
I think there is a elf that says-: "tap: gain x , x power and toughness. "x" being the amount of elves in play.
Lol wtf?? at least mine made considerable sence lad.
lol just playin' with yer brain man! It's a white and green deck, with lots of 1 mana costing elves rome my wonderfuly colourful non-basic land(scape). The white mana comes in with 1 creature that says -: "tap: destroy target creature". I will also have alot of power gaining spells such as "target creature gains +4,+4" and so on and so forth.
its all in the way of watching the news
And when the clock strikes 55 you have to retreve you bath becasue of the water mellon seremony!
Well will if you put it that way on spoons then i guess you have to jump old chap.
Well will if you put it that way opn spoons then i guess you have to jump old chap.
Well Jack my freind, 'that' is a very good question. It all started with my mother not giving me any pocket money one day, i cried but nothing happened. This is where the obsession with money came trickling into my mind like...well i dont know what like, but it was deffinetly trickling.
well go onto the home page then it says add a deck or summit! mo fo nigsi
jingle bells jingle bells pingus smelly bells!
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