You need exactly 60 cards because then you have more chance of getting the cards you need. Also, use Brighthearth Banneret(morningtide).
Don't post decks unless they have 60 cards.............
Don't post decks unless they have 60 cards............. To make it 60, use 4 Brighthearth Banneret (morningtide), 4 incinerate (tenth) and perhaps 2 Wild Ricochet (I once was playing a R/B goblin deck and they had a furncae of Rath out. They fodder launched me for 10, I wild ricoched it back for the win. I have also seen a mill deck get milled 2 death with it.)
Pretty sweet, Could use Nova Chasers, 10/2 for 4, not bad. For use with Incadescent Soulstoke. Also use the morningtide Brighthearth Banneret.
Dont post decks unless they have 60 cards............