You can change the deck format to commander on the right just above the mana curve while editing the deck. This way you can show your commander
Just pointing out that bant is blue/green/white while your deck is temur(blue/green/red)
You have 2 Nissa Worldwaker
Dimir and Golgari mixed together is called sultai
I believe servant of the scale is a better card to replace sparring construct, as it triggers avatar of the resolute
you should play 4 predatory sliver, 4 muscle sliver and maybe 4 sinew sliver, but these last ones cost a little more. For these changes you should remove Watcher sliver, Steelform sliver, Battle sliver and bonesplitter sliver. For lands you can try 4 evolving wilds to get the good colour
Screeching and sliver construct. You can change spitting sliver for striking sliver, it practically does the same for 4 less mana
you need mana dork like gemhide sliver and manaweft sliver
I did change hardened scale for animation module
Ezuri renegade leader or craterhoof behemoth for a finisher
You could splash black for shaman of the pack
This guy is right and with overload you can search for any sliver that you need in the current situation, this is why overload is superior
Sylvan Messenger est légal en modern, peut-être parce qu'ils l'ont réimprimé avec origins?
C'est Max celui que tu as parlé avec le cell à Vincent et j'aimerais savoir ce que tu penses du deck que j'ai fais et j'aimerais savoir si tu préfères elf modern ou legacy
I thought about it maybe but power isn't what i have the most LeL