hmm maybe cut sangromancer for Mirri the Cursed and Vampire Nocturnus, and Gifted Aetherborn insted of child of night.Unholy strength and vampiric link arent really necessary so that can free up some deck space.No need to run tendrils of corruption since you already have blood tribute which can be better in this type of deck, instead use that room to add Go for the throat or Urge to feed which is a good early removalI also think that 4 sanguine bonds are just too much...maybe cut one or two, it should not be a major win condition for your deckI will also leave 3 vampires I enjoy alot in my vampire deck but I don't know how it would fit or what to cut in your deck- Bloodline Keeper- Captivating Vampire- Gatekeeper of Malakir
Glimpse the unthinkable! Awesome mill card! I think it would be great with this deck :)
Oh I see XDThen I dont know if its also banned but you could try metalworker :P mana for artifacts with no color mana symbols lol
My opinion would be to take out bant panorama and add tolarian academy! you have lots of artifacts and it might help later game :)
This deck begs you to add invisible stalker!Unblockable and hard to remove, it mght not have exalted but it grows with the help of the others and can be a serious threat um rafiq on the battlefield, also if you end up adding loxodon warhammers, an invisible stalker with lifelink gives the deck a nice lifegain =)
urbog was there because in the beginning the deck was only legacy legal because of 2 cards and cabal coffers.The urbog was to combo with cabal coffers but yes its irrelevant now, I just forgot to remove it! good catch!
To me, boros reckoner works like a strong fighting wall that can lob some extra damage to creatures or the player :)I had a B/R aggro deck and i managed to player boros reckoner 85% of the time on turn 3/4 :) I don't know if that will be a problem on this deck but I will keep it in mind ;)To deal with erebos I only see to option...kill the player before he can cast him XD or add angelic edict to sideboard :/
just added XD thanks!
I might just do this deck XDI would just remove 1 tithe drinker for 1 archangel of thune and maybe replace celestial flare with hero's downfall :)Also add lands like godless chapel and temple of silence :)
This deck begs to add Gravecrawler!You have a lot of zombies and you can constantly cast him from the graveyard to the battlefield and sacrifice him to boost blood bairn, you also can trigger blood artist and use skirsdag and tragic slip morbid ability! :DAlso gravepact goes great with that combo XD
Deadly recluse indeed covers a lot of ground but I am also looking at seraph of the sword.
I see...but its my only flying creature, is there another solid flying creature that I should replace her with other than Stormbreath Dragon? Or should I just replace her with something else?
Sorry for the lack of response people! I would like to thank everyone for the amazing suggestions! I made some changes to the deck thanks to your suggestions and i have won a lot of FNM games :DI will post the changes to the deck later this week ;)Once again...Thank you all and keep them coming! :D
Add darksteel reactor ;)
I am glad you liked the suggestions! =)I also see that you have boomerang and surging aether in sideboard...I dunno if its better but Echoing Thruth card is also a good addition, especially against token and/or decks that use a lot of same name creatures or copy of creatures ;)...anyways, glad I could help =)
Thanks for the feedback! :)Thats actually a good combo and I think I will use it ;) which cards do you think I should take out in order to put Vorniclex and heartbeat spring? :) I was also thinking...should I use Bear Umbra to speed up the process?
Good ideia =)Thank you! I will try to get the card and add to the deck to see the effect asap ;)
I see....Then how about some gnat miser to reduce opponents hand size? And the anvil of bogardan for sideboard for decks that use cards that have the "you have no maximum hand size"? =)
Hypnotic Specter?