I heard temur advantures was a thing again. i thought i would try something slightly different. thoughts and suggestions are welcome and encouraged
First draft on a pioneer version of PleasantKenobi's Modern jeskai Emry combo deck. Welcome for suggestions on improvements and what I should include in the sideboard
let me know what you all think of this. I am interested to hear any feedback or suggestions on what it could use.
Actually, I believe that he does not create cats as he is not declared as an attacker at the beginning of combat, he just is attacking when he enters.
My attempt at a mid-range deck in the current(M19-RAL) standard format. Let me know what you think!
this deck is lots of fun to play with. been using it on MTGO and I literally used the marvel like an average of about 4-5 times a game. instant speed free spells is ridiculous. I am also thinking about making a spells version of the deck as well to switch it up a little.
I would add some way to draw cards rather than trample. Drawing cards or a way to tutor like the chord of calling will make the deck more reliable. also allows to essentially have extra copies of any creature you might want at any time. Funny to think this infinite combo was in standard not too long ago.
i like mine better :P
i believe the anthem affect causes the creature to resolve with the bonus, hence it will enter and not trigger the mentor if its a 2/2 in your hand.
this looks like a very painful deck for your opponent lol a 10/2 elemental with trample for 4 mana xD then fling it after combat for the lols +1T1: mountain, harbinger, fetch the 10/2 T2: mountain, smokebraiderT3: mountain, nova chaser, champion the harbinger, swing for 10, fling for 10 and fetch another elemental. I think T3 is the scoop point lol
whisperwood elemental works well against board wipes :3 I even have end hostilities in here since my opponents can play around the whisperwood, thanks for your feedback though! do you have any card suggestions for protection though?
hey Jessie! loving grandmaster right now, so deffinite +1 from me. i also just remembered training grounds is a 1drop enchantment in blue and had to make a deck around itI made a similar deck but as America and training grounds. would you mind checking it out? :D tell me whatchu think and if you can, help me get it to the front page lol I think its going to be lots of fun to play with. any suggestions are always welcome. after all, I still need a sideboard lol. http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/all-spells-get-2cmc-buyback/
I don't know much about modern as of yet, but this looks like it could be lots of fun to play with. from a fellow abzan player would you mind taking a look at my standard abzan? I'm trying out the new manifest mechanic and I think there is potential with it. any suggestions or criticism is appreciated :) http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/abzan-manifest/
hey northy, love the warriors! my friend is working on a non-budget and it looks terrifying to say the least lol. don't know if it's been suggested and I question the viability of it myself, but what about despise for some cheap removal? obviously thoughtsieze would be the way to go since warriors tend to be weak to bile blight, drown and anger until you manage to pump their toughness, but despise could also get rid of pesky creatures with deathtouch or doomwake giants that could really mess up your tempo if it gets to late game. anywho, if you have time I think you should try to make a manifest deck for your budget series! and if you could, would you mind checking out my future FNM manifest deck and offer a few suggestions and maybe get some other eyes on it to help me out? http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/abzan-manifest/
http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/arcbond-everything-dies/ check it out lol
can i just say that i love arcbond. its a great board wipe for red. it has potential to deal way more dmg than anger and if you target a life linker you gain tons of life -the dmg you initially took. plus its a way to draw a match multiple times before time runs out lol. anyways, if you can, check out my standard version of this http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/grand-mentor-of-the-monastery/
I don't really see much to improve on this. I would try to fit in some abzan charms if you can and bring up the rhinos just because they are too good to not have 4 lol
tell me whatcha think of my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/imementomori/decks/grand-mentor-of-the-monastery/
you should be running master of the feast instead of indulgent tormentor. :P even sign in blood to keep their hand full and keep your hand full of gas instead of meaningless discards after turn 4 since all they will be doing is playing the only cards they get.
just to point out, outlast only works on the creature with outlast. that being said, you should throw in high sentinels of arashin to give others +1+1 counters and buff itself at the same time.
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