Yeah the shocks have to go and the Reckoner is a much better replacement.
Hammer of Purphoros would help this deck a lot. It let's you recover from a board wipe like it was nothing and it makes every top deck live. Shock isn't that great as it gets brick walled by all the x/3's in standard. Plus with 2 other 2 damage burn spells you're just gonna be two for one-ing yourself to kill something. Also Legion Loyalist as a 2 of is great, it let's you do stuff on turn 1 unlike anything else.
No Boros Reckoner? In these colors he's a staple. I personally don't like shock because it doesn't hit very many things in standard right now. Reckoner is a powerful threat that your opponent has to dance around in order to do anything, much better than a mediocre burn spell.
The deck is a little inconsistent mana-wise, Mana Confluence will help it a bunch. Also Nyx-Fleece Ram will help you a bunch against aggro. Maybe run 2-3 of them. Deicide should probably be somewhere in the sideboard.
Make room for +1 or 2 Architect of Thought, the enchantments could use Detention Sphere instead of what's there, -2 Fiend Hunter, -2 Spell Blast, -3 Dispense Justice, -2 Cyclonic Rift and +1 Angel of Serenity, +3 Aetherling, +2 Syncopate, +3 Tome Scour. I like the deck though, seems pretty fun.
That actually sounds pretty cool, maybe -1 Far // Away -1 Turn // Burn and +2 Chandra
I feel like Garruk could be a lot better than Deadbridge Chant and he can give you a huge card advantage compared to DC. It doesn't really interact with your opponent very well, but he's a great card to throw down when you're behind and he can give you a crapton of cards while you have Varolz on the field.
Oh yeah, Bonfire of the Damned is a great option. Especially after you wear your hand out and go into top decking mode.
Pretty cool idea, but the biggest problem is that if you go with the whole "My hand is horrible" strategy than any opponent who is even a little decent will take advantage of that. They'll start playing a lot more aggressively and won't let you burn them to death after they figure your ruse out, and if you lost game 1, even if you win game 2, game 3 will be a very bad match-up for you. It's way too gimmicky to be a viable option.
With the Orzhov Charm I have the option to return a one drop out from the grave giving me a surprise attacker by playing it on my opponents turn. It also let's me save something in case my opponent mass wipes, and finally it provides a solid form of removal. As for Ready // Willing, I can surprise block with no downfall, and if I have enough mana I can end up wiping their field. Plus it helps me gain some life if I need to, pretty much like a versatile Vault of the Archangel.
If you are worried about there being too little black spells you might add Obzedot or Sorin LoI, I just don't think that Deadbridge Chant is that powerful of an ability in a deck like this. Bant Flash can take advantage of your self milling, and can render Varolz essentially useless. Obzedot can help you with that match-up, and Sorin can give you more pluses than Deadbridge Chant will.
My curve is supposed to be really low, jumping from three all the way to 6-7 is just plain ridiculous. The top of my curve is at Ready/Willing and Vault of the Archangel, which will easily swing the game in my favor on the turn that it's the most effective.
To me, Varolz and Deadbridge Chant seem a little out of place. They are much better for Zombies and Junk Reanimator respectively, and there are other cards that could help this deck out a lot more. Armada Wurm and Angel of Serenity come to mind to replace Deadbridge Chant, and Centaur Healer can help you even out and last longer against Boros Humans and Naya Blitz match-ups, which can replace Varolz. Other than that it look pretty friggin' awesome.
Exalted with Geist is just fail haha.
Take Pillar of Flame out and replace it with Bonfire of the Damned also replace Volcanic Strength with Stromkirk Noble. Volcanic Strength is a better sideboard card, plus for an aggro deck like this you'll probably want some more one drops that can provide a more continuous threat.
Needs more Garruk.
Replace the Ash Zealot with Lightning Mauler, the Legion Loyalist should be swapped for Champion of the Parish, and the Reckoner for Blind Obedience. Champion will improve the board state for you a lot better than the Loyalist will, as the Loyalist works better for stronger, more tempo oriented decks in my opinion. Blind Obedience is better in most match-ups because everyone and their mother plays around the Boros Reckoner, whereas BO is a card that can net you a bit of life, slow down other aggro decks so that you can go faster than them, and to top it off it beats Swagtusk and Resto Angel. Let the trolls come in saying that you can't not play Boros Reckoner in any deck that has red or white in it, when in honesty BO pretty much gives you indirect card advantage whereas Reckoner is more of a defensive card. The Lightning Mauler should go over Ash Zealot because of how mana restrictive the former is, and he's more than just a card that deals damage MAYBE on turn two as the other sets up later plays like Odric and Frontline Medic. Maybe replace the Fervor too, because of the chance of an opponent having Blind Obedience as that makes Fervor a dead card.
There is already a lot of haste in the Gruul deck, being 4x Lightning Mauler 4x Legion Loyalist and 4x Hellrider. I don't really see what else could be added.
Put Bonfire of the Damned in here, and take out the Havoc Festival for them.
Uhh I think that the Gruul deck is better because logic.
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