you are so gay nigger butt fuck
cx my bad and yeah only 4
bile blight over decay all day long its just better
thank you so much man it helps more than you know
they have the acendancys for like 36 cents on tcg
fuck yeah thank you
the only deck i have super trouble with is the infa combo
holy fucking shit put 2 black white gods in your deck it makes your shit so much harder to get rid of rabbel master would be a pain in the ass so would blood soaked
-1 sarkhan + 1banishing light
yeah i was looking at that to and the land isnt as bad as you would think but i do have problems occasonaly
thank you agian !! c: i built this my self and now there is a bunch of copys running around
thank you i just need it to have more senergy
this is actulay good im inpressedcx
launch the fleat is the only thing i would put in here
this is a verry orignal deck i love the idea man it is defantly one of the oddest deckes ive ever seen but it is still great and it would work to +1 from me man follow me and give me some feedback on my decks if you have time
me and a buddy made this deck and we had the same thought
how about the chian vail
is there anything in standard that searches for the pinical
ohhhh okay i see here i was mistaken on what creature you were targeting with the penical
yeah like the rift
1-20 of 46 items