What would you do?
I would take mizzium mortars for magma jet to help get your combo. The dispels aren't a very good mainboard card in my opinion i would run either spell pierce or spell snare your choice. And i would definitely recommend finding room for serum visions and sleight of hand since you are a combo deck and don't have a lot of draw power currently so it seems your mostly going to have the combo in your opening hand or just not going to be able to get it. Vapor snag is a good card to consider also
just what i was about to say. not so much about desperate ritual but definitely use remand
Just threw this together real fast and didn't modify the mana base right, I plan on changing the lands for more swamp fetches from lily to help fix my mana. The caryatids aren't necessary since i have 4 chromatic lanterns and plenty of draw sources to find what i need, not including the scry lands
http://www.mtgvault.com/vr/decks/standard-25-inf-mill-turn-4/ Infinite mill standard deck i found
Holy shit you have 12 gates thats gonna be slow as shit all of your lands are gonna enter tapped
from what i can see running 5 colors is pointless if your not running door to nothingness mainboard. Also if you did run it mainboard i'd run 4 chromatic lanterns and just run green blue black, black for stuff like diabolic tutor to either search for chromatic lantern or door to nothingness and i would also take out the tezzeret
Well this is Josh, I havn't decided what cards you should use yet but definitely take out: 2x Totally lost, 1x smelt, 1x scatter arc, 1x reverberate, 1x redirect, 1x essence backlash, 2x chandra's fury, 3x demolish, 3x traitorous instinct
perhaps selesnya charms instead of increasing savagery for either buff or removal? also I'd mainboard the gavony of township, its not much of a sideboard card
perhaps vexing devil, varolz, the scar-striped, or falkenrath aristocrat?
before i can give any tips first question is do you plan to play this in a standard tournament or is this built for casual play
i like it, much better
oh and wall of hope would be kinda funny with pariah ;p
or just run mono white
or perhaps run norns annex? also not sure you need red for this deck. I'd go with green white for either mana ramp, fogs, or lures for your pariahs
ok well it delays the game a little bit and you can block with en-kors and redirect to pariahs and his -2 is a kill for one of the attacked creatures
also take out 2 basandra, battle seraph for 2 gideon jura
2 total war and razia
every time i do a test hand the land i need are coming up or i'll have a fog or something to last long enough for one of my kill cards
well if you pick all the same name it will fizzle and nothing will happen. I thought i could pick all the same name but it won't work. Thats the tournament ruling for the card =\
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