thanks, the avengers were kind of added as fillers to try and keep the other stuff alive, i was originally going to use biomancer but he didn't have good synergy with undying
Might consider the card Righteous Cause, since it can be triggered by an opponent or your own creatures it will give you a nice little shield against 1-damage hits, and if you have blockers then you gain life for each attacker... it's a much better suggestion than rune-tail, don't know why i didn't say it first
you have a ton of life gain, and while it isn't necessarily the best card for this deck you might consider putting a rune-tail, kitsune ascendant in the sideboard, not a great card again, but if you can get enough life to use the ascendants, why shouldn't you try to use it too, just a thought
just a thought, you're using a lot of tokens and one of your colors is white, were you planning on boarding some rootbound defenses? Make all your guys indestructible and give you an extra one guy over boros charm... maybe not main deck but i think it would be a good sideboard to use against the decks that have like 12 board wipes
I hate to be "that guy" by bringing in infinite combos, but exquisite blood with sanguine bond would do well against any number of decks if you could start the chain, and it would start whether you gained life or they lost (including taking damage)... I mean it's a douchebag strategy but if you're playing to win then why not go all out? Just a thought