Just a test deck right now. deciding if the reanimator package is worthwhile. Update: After some testing, Vizkopa is great against some midrange strategies, but still would rather have a little more top-end power. Moved one to sideboard moved the Renounce from sideboard to main (this card turned out very strong in testing) and moved a couple slips taking place of mortars for the aggro matchups (which are heavy in my area).Another Update: Did well at FNM going undefeated played (in order): Naya Humans (2-1), Bant Hexproof (2-0), Reanimator (Fiend Hunter)(2-0), Esper Tokens(2-0), Reanimator (2-1). I was the only loss for 3 of the 5 players. Sideboard still needed tweaked IMO. took out 1 Sin collector for 1 Gloom Surgeon and removed a Duress for 1 Appetite for Brains.I will add sideboard play soon.
12 sources allow them to come into play untapped