Ice Shade here :D
oh dont get me wrong, i know at its current form i dont stand a chance in hell but im trying to find a starting point, its main strategy is the green side gets the mana out, the red side deals the damage fast (with the 3 blazes being the main point of that) i make no secret of the fact im brand new to this game, but all i can do is try
Now i understand that the people on this site will probably think im some sort of moron for a deck like this But i want people to understand this is the first deck i have ever created, and i chose cards purely on my gamestyle and how decent the effects looked Basically this deck is designed to be a stall while i get the bigger monsters out, progenitus being my supercard (i will always have at least one card i designate to be a "supercard" in each of my decks) What i ask from this community is to lend a helping hand to a pure beginner, how do i go about making tournament quality decks, and what advice could you give me seeing this deck as it is right now