FNM playable?
Updated, Helpful Suggestions?
needs help
i mean the variation of your deck from mtgwizards769
no the mana curve is fucked up sorry for bad language but you need to have some thing to play turn 1 this is white weenie.
i would drop banisher preist and add 2 more spears
get rid of calvery pegusus. add some boros reckoners
im going to play this deck at FNM, any tips are helpful.
im going to play this deck at FNM. i need help. any tips are useful. this deck will have the same theme / colors in it so plz dont suggest any other colored cards thank you.
make it standard
good add some aggro like fleecemane lion and loxodon smiter
very good maybe add blood barin of vizkopa
boros charm main board get rid of doom blade
try to make it standard
look at my white weenie deck it will help
there cheap the necropolis regents they will be probably around 1$ each
ok sorry for late reply
2 necropolis regents would be better than 1 hythonia and 1 lord of the void
try 2 of those instead of 2 lord of the void
hythonia can clear your side of the board as well and i am looking at return to ravnica's black mythic necropolis regent mana cost is 3BBB 6/5 flyer
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