
4 Decks, 11 Comments, 0 Reputation

Ok, I've been working on a discard deck for a while now. Got it pretty decent. I noticed people saying the problem with discard is what to do when they are out of cards. i use that to my advantage. Guul Draz Spector is a scary sight for 4 mana on top of the quest for nil stone. Also Hellfire Mongrel is a good add just for some quick damage. And Lava Claw reaches are amazing for when there is nothing better to do, I'd replace the refuges with those. I am in the process of trying Suffer the Past, for damage and lifegain. Not sure how it's gonna work. oh and keep an eye on 2011, Illiana's cards and Temple Bell are pretty epic.

Posted 30 June 2010 at 20:49 as a comment on Black/Red Discard Std


mirror of fate, treasure hunt, selective memory, polymorph.... could be a nice add. or add more draw, and archmage for more, maybe illiana and jace beleran... haunting echoes also helps when you don't have a bog. i love the idea though

Posted 24 February 2010 at 18:49 as a comment on Tap You Lose


haunting echos for the win!

Posted 22 February 2010 at 01:52 as a comment on Restless Rats


the main problem i have found with megrim decks is, after they run out of cards, it may take a while to deal more damage through megrim. the only way i have seen to fix that is to add draw for your opponent (jace beleran) but if you add blue like that you may be tempted to create a discard/mill deck. and when you combine, they tend to work quite poorly. so besides that, i like it, but i reccomend more creatures, even pingers help. i hope this helps, and i hope your deck works well. good luck

Posted 22 February 2010 at 01:48 as a comment on Standard Megrim


nevermind, doublingseason.... it is a five drop that may take a while... quest for gemblades, and strength of the tarugu or however thats spelled, still overruns and garruks.

Posted 22 February 2010 at 01:38 as a comment on +1/+1 counters


I like it, but i really don't understand mycoid shepherd. you only have 6 power 5 or greater creatures. it is a 1/1 token deck that becomes 3/3's with sigil captain...

I reccomend overruns and garruks for greatness.

Posted 22 February 2010 at 01:36 as a comment on +1/+1 counters


just think omnath and wolfbriar, ive pulled it off for 9 wolves and it takes out most the elves neccesity, also beastial mennace is nice, but i'd rather play an extra overrun or something.... also think about mycloth, i know its not wolves but easy sacrifices for eldrazi... just a suggestion

Posted 20 February 2010 at 02:40 as a comment on Eldrazi Green - icanhazwolves Edition


tried beastmasters, overrun is faster. a couple garruks are nice. also worldwake update. Wolfbriar and possibly Omnath

Posted 20 February 2010 at 02:34 as a comment on Wolves!


I run a similar token deck... for it work very effectively i recommend mana pull. 4 harrows 2+ kahlini heart and 2 rampent growth. Also overruns with garruk, double overrun. Master of the wild hunt is a nice card, but it gets killed to fast, sideboard it. I would take out the allies for some leatherbacks, maybe nissa's chossen (2/3 for 2), maybe even an omnath or two ( just add extra mana to your manapool at the end of your oppenents turn, then use it all for wolfbriar. I've pulled 9 wolves off him.) noble hierarchs are nice, but if you can't lanowars work just as well. Turntimber ranger is nice but by the time you get him out (turn 3 or 4) you are only making 2 maybe three wolves with him. Oran rief the vastwood is a card i havent tried but been debateing on, let me know how it works. but all in all it's a nice deck. like i said mine is very similar, and i've only won one tourny with it., it's slow to start. goblins and vamps kind of stop it. hope this helps.

Posted 20 February 2010 at 02:20 as a comment on Wolves


maybe even a omnath or so...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 20:56 as a comment on T2 Elfdrazi Hunter Green


i would replace either the arbor elves or elvish visonary's for jorga warcaller's.... a big power pump. plus the wolf producers seem so random, i know, i play a token deck...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 20:56 as a comment on T2 Elfdrazi Hunter Green
