
1 Deck, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

as an edit to the above, if all you have is wirewood(of the three options to play), then play wirewood then harpies to draw, then bounce as needed to get the other cards. If it takes your whole life total, something went really wrong

Posted 04 June 2011 at 08:51 as a comment on A Lot of Little Bottles Make a Big Bottle


The deck focuses on Aluren, and getting it out asap, after which the red creature is "free."

So, in an Ideal situation if you dont have to tutor you can:
turn 1: forest-> Eladamri's Vineyard
Turn 2: plains/forest -> Aluren then repeat the following ad nauseum.
ghitu slinger/soul warden/wirewood savages (pick one) ->Man-o-war, bounce the creature you just played->cavern harpy, bounce the man-o-war-> pay one life bounce the harpy.

In a non-ideal situation you need to use tutors first. Clear now?

Posted 04 June 2011 at 08:48 in reply to #168466 on A Lot of Little Bottles Make a Big Bottle
