OH! REMOVAL! Path, Swords, O-Ring, Beast Within, etc. EDH has lots of scary things that you NEED to deal with. These do that for you. ok I'm glad I got that in time.
I like this deck. It has a good curve like the other post. To answer your question on my deck, Top should be in every EDH deck ever, period, so good job there. also Skullclamp is legal in EDH so no worries there. For this deck I would suggest Greater Auramancy and Sterling Grove which protect your other enchantments, as well as tutors lic Idyllic and Enlightened Tutor. If you don't mind adding a color I would turn this into a Uril deck. It already is built very similarly to one and he's a good multiplayer beatstick General. I may think of something else in the future but for now, that's what I have for you. Good luck.
I just thought of that today. I'm thinking about trying to get one.
oh balls i also forgot, try to get cranial plating and darksteel citadels in here. You have access to them so use them.
If I were you I'd really try to fit in 2-3 thopter foundries. you have 4 mox which gives you a good chance of topdecking a second one later on which will sit there until the end of the game. The foundry recycles them so that they don't become dead draws. Other than that it looks pretty solid, maybe a little removal light, but good.
Why don't you have the Days maindeck? If you shifted off of 0 drops and onto utility artifacts or mana rocks It would probably be an almost win. Their field would be dead while you were still sitting on a fat juggernaut and maybe even some Wurmcoil babies that will swing the next turn. Just my thoughts. Otherwise pretty neat deck.
Actually the deck runs amazing with the land count it has. I need more colorless land fetch but the reasonforso many lands is so I can sac them for Ib's ability and not have to worry about not getting them. In this deck land isn't ever a dead draw.
Sorry, did the bulk import and meant blood moon. I'll change that.
Yeah that's how I normally combo out, but with an Artisan (at least eventually) so I don't accidently draw myself out.
I have to say, your deccks are always very cool. But this one is missing Cloudstone Curio. Animar loves the curio quite a bit. I'll tell you, bouncing a man-o-war off a flametongue kavu about 4 times in one turn is really fun and clears a path for your fatties. Just a thought for you.
Oh, keep braingeyser and stroke and you can put in palinchron + high tide for infinite mana.
I don't really see a need for some of the draw spells you're running. windfall and brainstorm and even thirst maybe are good but you really dont need the rest. those could go to an alternate win or a bigger counter base to protect yourself and azami.
I do have to say that I love arty builds and this one is pretty nice. The thing that really scares me is 13 lands. You really should go no lower than 17 ever because you won't draw land with any consistency, leading to you mulliganing to 4-3 card in hand in any cases. I'd also switch ice cage with Journey b/c they can just hit ther creature with a pump spell or some equivilant and then hurl it at you whereas with journey they have to have something to deal with enchantments specifically. Good job and good luck
If you run Traumatize at all (which you really shouldn't) only run 2. You're second traumatize is going to be horridin comparison to the cost and the third even worse. It really isn't worth it. I'say finishthe set of archive trap and maybe trow in trapmker's snare to fetch out your traps.
You can't have 24 underground seas in your deck. that'd be cool but you can't. I'd also suggest cutting the deck down aa bit and putting in Leyline of the Void just for an extra whole deck milled combo w/ Mind Funeral.
yeah the call to mids were supposed to be cut. idk why it left them there
@ Scyth Broodwarden would just jank up the deck. You so much care that your tokens die, you care that that was one more counter on the ascension. I am in love with the beastmaste concept and that you did what I did, throw in some red. I'd suggest Bushwhacker. Say your ascension's almost there but your opponent board swiped, lay down a Predator and a kicked Whacker for dead.
It would be really painful to Bob into the unmasks or spinning darknesses. I'd use Hym to Tourach in liu of Unmask and something else cheap for the Darkness.
I would need him to tap for mana (via paradise mantle or some such thing) for fireball to work that way because the mana is always used up to untap and add a -1/-1 counter. Tanks for the like though
BAM! Ian digs transmuter control. But seeing as how this is theoretical, why not Inquisition over duress?
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