Well, not the germs, but many of the other creautures are meant to be sacd.
Same effect, lower CMC.
all hallow's eve, yawgmoth's will, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
For God's sake READ THE FUCKING DESCRIPTION!!!!!! Murkfield leige.
also, even with that mana curve, more than 15 lands are needed. I think you should probaly also take out 4 guul draz assasin to add 4 more swamp. take out 4 child of night to add 4 spread the sickness. Yes, sickness is overcosted, but it will up your grindclock, which is by far your best mill engine. You should not be concerned about your life level. Black is about hurting yourself in the quest to win. take out 2 demon's horn and 4 decimators web to add 2 black sun's zenth and 4 keening stone. If you want, add some more proliferate engins as well, because they help the black sun and the grindclock.
what are you doing with only 2 vampire nighthawk? It is the best vampire existing? The sword is ok, but not a essential part of the deck. take out 1 lacorator and 1 sword to add 2 more nighthawks.
Expidition map out, crop rotation in, revode existance out, 1 more eye of ugin in.
You should run Demonic tutor, perhaps diabolic also. Add in some Ornithopters and 4 tinkers. Helps to get those rats out early.
Gold is not a color in magic. The color of the background does not matter, it just makes it look good. Please, if you can't say something passably intelligent, do not say anything at all.
may I sugest Master of Eithium instead of tempered steel? Unless you are trying to keep it all SoM
I think you mean wall of denial . . .It's flavor text is very fitting too.
You mean so you don't play them from your hand? Suspend.
Id add some(better) card draw, your hand will be empty by turn 4 or 5 and some extra stuff there could come in handy.
yea, but with that mana curve, you don't need too many lands.
I don't know where you heard that, but thats wrong. look on http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Default.aspx to hear the official ruling and ettera for each card. they are not legendary.
If your playing vintage or legacy, then yes unfortunely. All the decks that I make, unless they are for a challenge, are made up of ALL the cards from magic the gathering, except Un-sets.
that is a way too common combo. I could if i wanted, but if you want to do that, there are plenty of decks already on here
take out 4 diabolic tutor and add in 4 demonic tutor. Same effect, better cost.
no point. it was a deck challenge.
you know a sideboard is limited to 15 cards right. . . I hope so.
41-60 of 106 items