Titanic Ultimatum. If you cast this and don't win, then your slated for defeat.
also, a mono black legacy deck without dark ritual??? Find room for those.
vampires in magic have usually had one thing that makes them nasty; speed. get them out fast. have cards like pulse tracker, bloodghast, vampire nighthawk. people usually see bloodghasts and respond stupidly. burn an O ring it, kill it, block it, let it hit you; it doesn't matter. its designed to make your opponent either waste a spell or take a hit. the pulse tracker is horribly underrated. on turn 2 your swinging for 2. the nighthawk? dear God, who doesnt love a 2/3 flying lifelink deathtouch?! all of these cards work in two ways, get them to burn their spells fast so your other bigger vamps can come out and you can hit them with those; or let the speed speak for itself. hit them hard and hit them fast. thats what a vampire deck is supposed to do.
Oh it does. I dont really have an answer for it being stolen though.
sadly tinker is banned. didnt think about the blightsteel. reluctant to put in the platinum angel due to U controll.
sure thing
a grave pact with your bloodghasts is another mean form of crowd control and its always handy to have since vampires by themselves cant stand up to much thats larger than a 3/3. its levels the playing field in your favor with cheaper mana cost creatures that still can drop a 9/9 if your 2/1 or 1/1 dies. Just food for thought! :)
id have to disagree. all someone would have to do is wait for the spawnsire and counter it. God forbid they counterbore it. your entire deck would be a one trick pony and those are the easiest to demolish. the spawnsires are a good idea but they are horribly flawed. if you cant pay the 20 extra the second it comes out, then its just as good as a piper or galvanizer, they're out for one turn and before you can use it someone has killed it. decks that aren't turn one kills that are a one trick pony deck almost always fail critically and then all your left with is an expensive POS and all you've done is wasted your money and you and your friends' time and handed them the game.
Any suggestions as to how to bump up mana production to hopefully get phage out on turn 1 more frequently would be great