It's already in...
This is true, though I chose Experiment One over the dragon because Experiment will get the +1/+1 counters from Evolve, which can be used to help cheat death with his regen ability. I'll experiment with both though, since I can see many synergies with both creatures. Cheers for the comment!
I'm just that goodChanged it :P
Yeah, I'd probably drop the Elixir and two/three of the Revelations. Replace them with Azorius Charm maybe?Otherwise it seems like fun. Good job.
Solid deck. Good mana base, though I think another mountain would be best.
This, I like. I like a lot. Just a couple of improvements to be made here, is all.1) Needs more landWhile I haven't played with it yet, it seems two lands short. You've got 22 (2 of which are utility) and the recommended is 24, so my advice here is drop Nevermore from the sideboard, move Sigarda to the sideboard and add two Forests. Not only does it help your mana base, it also gives a higher chance for Thraggy and co. to hit a turn earlier :)2) If you're going to combo with Wild Beasmaster, you probably want four of the gals. If I were running this, I'd probably cut a Smiter for it, since your turn 3 is already pretty crowded . 3) I'm really not sure how good Oblivion Ring is. While I don't think there's much enchant removal going around, I think you'd be better to cut it to two and have a third Silverheart/Restoration Angel.Like I said, minor improvements only. Seriously though, you did a great job with this deck so far! Best of luck at your FNM mate.Oh, if you do heed to my advice, make sure to drop a message on how you went. GL, HF and don't make misplays!
Throw in a Griselbrand or two :)
Hey mate, nice deck! Love the Fight Club thing, but I reckon this could be taken to the next level (though it may break some of the flavour). If you're looking to make this great, swap out Prey Upon for Thragtusk/Silverheart. Husky Tusky gives 5 life and when he hits the 'yard his 3/3 boosts your Champion of Lambs. Silverheart could just give your Champ +5/+5 and next turn end the game, of course. Either would work great. If you do go down this road, please put Arbor Elf back in. Ramp would be SO good with these! This means you lose some flavour of course, so if it's just Casual you might as well ignore this comment. Otherwise I'm keen to see how this changes things up! Just a Standard R/W Artifact deck. Take a look! All suggestions welcome!
I say this with every Red/White beatdown deck; chuck in at least two Hero of Bladeholds! You can throw away those Rally the Peasants because the Battlecry from her is enough, let alone the fact that her alone can attack for 7 on turn 5. If you had Odric? That's attacking for 11 unblockable (or blockable, your choice) damage. Even more so, how about 4 goblins added onto that as well as Krenko? GG. Krenko needs more synergy with Goblins to be truly efficient. In this deck there are a total of 11 Goblins in this deck, 7 cards of which are Goblins. Not enough for Krenko to make a true impact. Another card to consider (though isn't used much nowadays) is Signal Pest. Otherwise nice concept! Check out my decks.
Nice deck, I like it! One thing; swap the Mirran Crusaders for Silverblade Paladins. You can choose to Soulbond it to Geist of Saint Traft for protection's sake or soulbond it to his angel as it enters when he attacks! How does 8 damage in the air sound on turn 4 (let alone any other damage done by Traft)? After this you can play Sublime Archangel and swing in for god-knows-how-much-damage. I was just thinking then of having some fun by playing Phantasmal Image to copy Sublime Archangel. Just saying. Check out my decks - specifically, my 40 Card Campaign. Try to make your own deck to trump mine!
Hi there! I have two creatures to suggest; First is Omnath, Locus of Mana Second is Primalcrux I'm pretty sure both are very cheap so it shouldn't be too hard to get a couple of each. Check out my deck and suggest any ideas :D
Okay mate, you've inspired me to make a deck. I don't know what it was, but I'm now very tempted to make a R/W lifegain deck. You'll see... One thing; You may want to cut down on the Serra Avatars. You could always replace one with a Spirit Mantle to make it unblockable. Secondly, please check out and suggest ideas for my deck
I love how the prices DON'T VARY AT ALL. Seriously though, anyone lucky enough to own these cards (if there's ever such a person to own 99 of each Power 9) should probably either get a life or stop being lucky.And rich.
Nevermind, it enters the battlefield tapped... Voltaic Key! :D
Imagine having 15 lands, 1 life and your opponent outnumbered you in creatures. Now imagine the look on their face when you play and tap Door to Nothingness... that would make my day! Seriously though, this looks like it'd be pretty fun to play with (obviously not competitive or anything lol). Nice work! Check out my decks (in particular, you may like my Titans deck, also meant as a fun casual deck)
I'd add Feeling of Dread for more trolling 8D
Nice decklist. I've been meaning to do something like this for a while now. Just a couple of improvements on this from my POV: 1) Scrap the Mirran Crusaders. As much as I love them, the only time they're better than Silverblade is when you're facing G/B. Maybe have them in the sideboard? To compensate, add another Silverblade and two Entreat the Angels. Entreat the Angels also helps with Champion on Lambholt. 2) I'm not sure on how well Fog works (it could be the best thing ever) but if you're going Aggro you probably won't have mana to spare during the early game. Try Cloudshift? I'd love to see my opponent facepalm when I tap Pilgrim, get my Hero of Bladehold to dodge Doom Blade and then add to my Lambholt.
Umm... you may be lacking 28 cards here. Just saying.
Hey mate. I'm just thinking that, instead of having 3 copies of Elesh Norn, you could replace two with Sheoldred? Elesh's removal isn't all that necessary when you have 4 DoJ and Zenith, plus Sheoldred's ability will reanimate more creatures. Just a thought, and I'd love to give this a spin... if only I had $500. Hahaha.
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