OK, so I need to ask you something, members of MTGvault. I'm going to a Tournament tomorrow, and I have 2 decks that are both good in their own way. I want your opinion about which deck should I use tommarrow.
In the Main Deck, we have Esper Control. This is after my attempts at Bolas Control, so I don't have much to work with in this case. I used to have 4 Sphinx's Revelation. Currently, I have 1, sadly. Besides that, I have a few shock lands, 2 Jace, Memory Adept, and 4 Aetherlings for a second win condition other than mill, in which the only cards in the deck that really mill are the 1 Drownyard I have (I actually have more Drownyards, but I only put in one because it's too much colorless mana, esspecailly since my shocks are almost out), and the 2 Jaces. It's still a decent deck, just not doing as good as my previous Esper Control.
In the "Sideboard", I have posted another deck. Yes, it is my attempt at making the Intro Deck better, and honestly guys, it really has. This deck can surely come against the ever-so-hated Naya Blitz (that I posted a deck about previously) and aggro against control maybe. Negatives are the deck doesn't use a lot of decent cards. Woodborn Behemoth is okay in my opinion, but a 4/4 for 5 mana isn't that great, and it may become better around turn 8, but that could be too late. I didn't have much options, so that's why the Woodborn Behemoth is in there. Kalonian Tusker isn't that bad actually, where as I would call it "the new Strangleroot Geist" as it's a 3/3 you can play on turn 2, which is decent when my opponent is using a bunch of 2/2's on his side.
So Esper Control can work, but it has it's flaws, and My Green Deck can come against aggro more, but how good would it do against Control decks, assuming there are any. While the green deck is good right now, I really must feel stupid for using it. It's really 2 intro decks Scrambled with all the other good cards I got or had. It's the fact that everyone is using such expensive and powerful decks that hinder me of making a choice to go with the green deck I made. I can go Esper Control and not feel too terrible, but I fear my chances of ever running into Naya Blitz in the tournament.
So people of MTGvault........