OK, so yes, this is a modern-format deck. Out of my usual stuff building standard decks, but since Modern Masters has come, the Innistrad block will phase out, and I just feel like doing this for the sake of having something modern, because I can't build a real-life EDH deck other than Krenko, I thought I'd make a modern deck out of the stuff I got and the stuff in my binder. So I might as well start working on this deck with a little modern outside the MTG standard community.
So this is Esper Control, as you clearly see, and it's got some good staples such as Jace, Memory Adept, Sunblast Angel, Enigma Sphinx, Mortivore, Angel of Jubilation, etc. It's got some draw spells such as Oculus, Sphinx's Revelation (after working on my Junk Midrange, I don't have any more Revelations, sorry), Brainstorm, etc. So this is a deck with a lot of Esper stuff in it.
Now, if you're reading this text box, I want you to tell me something: Modern players, did I do, at the very least, a decent job for a modern deck? Please tell me in the comments below and if you think it needs improvement, which it probably does, you can finally tell me in the comments what modern stuff I can use for this deck. If I did a bad job, then that means I suck at building Modern decks.
Control. Well actually, it's a little more than that. You just attack with the big creatures in the deck and control your opponent(s) with counterspells and removal. That's it really.
Have a fine day today!