OK, so with my limited amount of shock lands that don't go together very well, I've put together a 4-color deck using those shock lands to make an intresting way to make a deck. This is 4 color mill!
Well, obviously mill!
but you do have big, scary creatures in the deck such as Archangel of Thune and Thragtusk (even though I have one of each but still).
While stalling out the infamous aggro decks I've seen a lot lately, there are a decent amount of cards that let you gain life. Ex. Archangel of Thune, Thragtusk, Centaur Healer, Sphinx's Revelation, Azorius Charm, Sorin Lord of Innistrad, and 3 of the previous options are creatures to block off offensive creatures.
Your goal is to still mill, but you'd like to do that a little later, because you have Jaces and a Mind Grind to draw later. What you would like in your hand in the meantime is a Supreme Verdict (which can happen on turn 3 thanks to Farseek) and kind of stall out with Centaur Healer and Lingering Souls. Eventually, if everything goes out right, then you will either draw into Jace / Mind Grind and Mill, or swing with big creatures when they have nothing left.
Speaking of creatures in the deck, don't forget you have token spammers such as Lingering Souls and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad so if you have an army that your opponent didn't blow up via. Block with huge creatures, attack with huge creatures, or removal, you can use Azorius Charm to give them all lifelink and swing with all of them to gain a huge amount of life.
I do understand the Mana base is as weird as F##k and probably won't work. There are shock lands and m10 lands but there are guildgates and Transguild promenade. The guildgates can easily be improved later but Transguild can actually be very useful. Since this is a 4-color deck, Transguild can produce any color it wants for the deck just to make sure mana is consistent. It really does seem like a weird choice but this card can work in the deck, even though it's at the cost of making the deck slower than ever. However, slowness won't matter if on turn 3 I can get Centaur Healer out and then on turn 4, Supreme Verdict to boardwipe.
Now the sideboard i'll admit, has just been thrown together as one. It can still pivot as a sideboard though, so that will be nice. Sin Collector can get rid of Instants ans Sorcery's and exile them, which can be great against control decks. Against aggro decks, we have 2 Unflinching Courages to give my creatures lifelink and trample, to attaching it to a Centaur Healer will make it a 5/5 lifelink that can easily block such creatures such as Champion of the Parish.
Rest in Peace will exile graveyards for reanimator decks, Planar Cleansing to boardwipe Planeswalkers, Detention Sphere for excellent removal, Doom Blades for extra removal, and the rest seems pretty self explanatory.
Well then, so what do you think of my crazy attempt at a 4-color Mill Control? Please leave a comment at the bottom and i'll reply ASAP. Thanks!