
58 Decks, 36 Comments, 15 Reputation

Big thing I want to figure out is the land, and is green wort it and should it just be rakdos?

I need to figure out any good dual land options, and amount of each color I should be running. 3 color decks are always rough for me when making the mana base.

Is green worth the space in the deck? It seems like a good idea to try and ramp ahead and keep some card advantage. the Elvish Visionary may be a bad spot and I should be useing some red looting cards instead? I need the green for the Goblin to help witht the cost of the land destruction so it seems relevant. And the black helps with the control aspect, slowing the game down enough to make this even work, so I don't think dropping black is an option, but I could see an argument for the green.

Posted 28 January 2024 at 07:28 as a comment on Jund control pauper


I took out duskweilder and blood leech for the Blight-Priest and Vault Skirge. They both just have way more value. As for Cram Session, I like how it's a bit versatile in that it allows me to eiter fix mana or get some creatures that will in turn trigger Blood Reasercher later. But I'm going to buy 4 of each of the cards you suggested for playtesting purposes. Same with Ill-Gotten Inheritance. I like all of these cards but won't be sure until i test.

Posted 07 May 2022 at 04:16 in reply to #647465 on Golgari life gain


I never even considered metalcraft. That is an interesting take. I feel like with the way I took this particular list it would sorta step on its own toes. With this list I'm looking to use up the treasures as often as possible to pump Fixer and enable Express. But I might be producing enough that it wouldn't even matter. Metalcraft is something I'm going to have to test with for sure. Either in this shell or one that is using treasures to pseudo ramp and keep metal craft enabled. Hmmm. You've given me much to consider. Maybe we can make a new meta deck yet!

Posted 04 May 2022 at 11:14 in reply to #647446 on Jetmir's Treasure collectors


Oooo. How did I miss that one. That's deffinatly an option. I'm going to play around with the list and see if I like hoarding ogre or jewel Thief better in that spot.

Posted 04 May 2022 at 11:01 in reply to #647438 on Jetmir's Treasure collectors


Need help with a sideboard. Plan on taking it to pauper events that are going to be starting up around me. No idea what the meta will be. I'm not used to playing control so I don't know where to start to for the sideboard.

Posted 27 April 2022 at 05:09 as a comment on Azorius control pauper


Vigilance with the tokens is really nice. But you are right, the deck does move slow only relying on the 4 pariah. My thing is I'm not entirely convinced collective blessing is the right card for this deck. Its deffinatly effective. But I get the feeling I could be using something better.

Posted 06 September 2020 at 15:57 in reply to #635790 on Kami of the false hope


I had moved the lands out for a price comparison and never moved them back. Lol. But you are right scribe is deff better than wall. But I value that extra 1 toughness, it just makes me feels safer within my local meta.

Posted 05 September 2020 at 05:45 in reply to #635766 on Mill me softly a pioneer deck


Thanks! That's most deff a better choice than wall of hope. I gotta buy that now.

Posted 05 September 2020 at 05:33 in reply to #635756 on Kami of the false hope


Yoooooooo, I saw. I feel like I swap merfolk secretkeeper out for Ruin Crab. More mill for the sake of 1 toughness. But it's an instant body where merfolk takes 2 turns to become one.

Posted 02 September 2020 at 06:40 in reply to #633839 on Mill me softly a pioneer deck


Not pioneer legal. But I wish, holy hell.

Posted 02 September 2020 at 05:34 in reply to #633839 on Mill me softly a pioneer deck


It has begun. The dixis shall be slang.

Posted 29 October 2019 at 14:47 as a comment on Get this Dixis Grixis


Boros pioneer! Let go!

Posted 24 October 2019 at 22:44 as a comment on feather, the pioneer


I'm really excited for this format. Love the deck, tribal might actually have a chance within pioneer.

Posted 24 October 2019 at 18:49 as a comment on Pioneer Elven Bloom 2019


Love it. Pioneer is going to be fun.

Posted 24 October 2019 at 08:26 as a comment on Pioneer Panharmonicon Elves


I think it's done. Now to just playtest

Posted 22 October 2019 at 16:59 in reply to #627912 on Bogle bois pauper


So I swapped out mantel of webs with spider umbra, and added hyena Umbra to my side board. Snake Umbra is amazing and I want to main board it but Idk what to cut.

Posted 21 October 2019 at 17:23 in reply to #627912 on Bogle bois pauper


Woah Pit-skulk is amazing. Yea he is going main board.

Posted 21 October 2019 at 16:43 in reply to #627912 on Bogle bois pauper


Drop 2 land, add 2 voracious hydra. Or drop one land one brazen for 2 voracious.

Posted 18 October 2019 at 08:50 in reply to #627794 on Simic Ramp


I can't tell if you are a genius or insane. But plus 1.

Posted 12 October 2019 at 05:42 in reply to #627661 on Pauper Mill


I would drop a forest down to 22 land, and add another vraska. Love the deck +1

Posted 12 October 2019 at 05:19 as a comment on Standard Abzan Control


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